Black Levana

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 - Cole -

I woke up feeling safe and comfortable in a cocoon of warmth. It was such a good feeling that I felt like I had to fight my body just to move. It was a sort of childish internal battle.

Brain: Get up!

Body: No stay!

Brain: Get up off your lazy bum.

Body whines: Noooo I don't wanna.

Throughout the internal battle I could feel a source of heat emitting from my stomach. I looked down to see a paw resting lightly on my stomach. You'd have thought I would scream bloody murder but no. Instead a smiled crept its way onto my face. Wolfie was back, how I knew it was him and not some other rabid wolf, I don't know it was just instinct I guess or the fact that I was still alive. Although it could have been a sadistic wolf who likes his prey to be conscious to conduct his acts of torture and then killing them by making them rabid, why it would have a need to share such misery and torture I don't know I guess misery really did love company.

Pulling away from my slightly off track thoughts, I realised that I missed my Wolfie. I'm so glad he came back. I didn't realised that I missed him this much and I've only met him once before aaand he was an animal. I shouldn't feel this way, so attached to him, should I? There's probably something wrong with me. I wouldn't doubt it, actually it would explain quite a lot. 

Sometime during my little self conflict Wolfie must have woken up because when I looked up he was looking down at me with a soft expression, if that makes sense. Should an animal be able to have that expression? I don't really know but I guess that's just more to add to the list of unusual things about this wolf. Which seems to draw me to him more, normally I'm not this curious but I think there's some sort of puzzle here that I need to figure out.

Looking into the wolf's eyes I was struck with another feeling of familiarity, it's the same feeling I got when I looked into Logan's eyes. Now locking gazes with wolfie's eyes I could see that they were the same, without a doubt. The intensity and the colour was uncanny. But how can that be? Wolfie was a wolf and Logan was human...well at the rate and direction my thoughts were going, I wasn't so sure anymore. How can that be though? The direction that my thoughts were taking was impossible right? Those things aren't real it's all fiction, things made up to make life seem more exciting if you think that there's other things lurking in the shadows...right? Though thinking about it, there has to be a semblance of truth to make it all seem so real, well I'm assuming there is anyway. 

I switched the direction my thoughts were heading fairly confident I would probably drive myself crazy with all these assumptions and you know what they say, when you assume you make ass out of you and me. To be honest the thought of that happening did not appeal to me in the least, I wasn't in the mood to make a complete idiot out of myself. I mean what would Logan think if he found out I compared him to an animal? Well technically I compared his eyes but whatever. The fact is he would probably think I'm a freak; I'm so use to being around animals I start comparing people to them. For some reason the thought that he would think I'm a freak made my heart drop, it doesn't make sense but I was really hung up on the impression I made on this guy. What he thought about me mattered, it mattered a lot. Usually I don't care what people think about me because I don't spend that much time around them.

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