Chapter One

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Sunlight spilled through the window, causing me to wake up. As soon as I rose, my head starting pounding. As much fun as last night was, it sure did take its toll. I briefly allowed the idea to quit partying late at night to flutter by. Being a wild party girl was always the type of person I was since middle school. The only sane thing I do throughout the late nights is not taking in any drugs or going crazy with alcohol.

I climbed out of bed and managed to find my way to the bathroom. After gulping down a couple pills for my headache, I descended downstairs for some breakfast. My morning routine was usually the same: a big bowl of Cocoa Puffs while sitting in front of the TV watching the news. It was almost like living a double life: crazy at night and calm during the day. That had to change soon so that I could live a financially stable life and not rely on my parents so much.

An interview for a clothing salesperson at the mall was going to take place in a few hours. This could be my big break of ending my party life.

I focused more on the news. A woman reporter was telling a news story about a girl being kidnapped. A reward would be given to anyone who had information about the girl. A photo was shown during the statement. She looked like she was eighteen or nineteen. Her shiny black hair was cut into a sort of bob and her dazzling green eyes gleamed with affection. She had dimples that complimented her looks. The reporter then ended the segment by warning people to be careful.

"Well that was enough sitting on my butt for one day," I said aloud to myself.

After cleaning up after myself, I scurried up the stairs taking them two at a time. One quick shower later and I was hurrying to find some clothes to throw on. I ended up settling on a deep rose red pencil skirt with a matching jacket and a black blouse. My hair was pinned up in a loose bun.

Just as quickly, I rushed out the door and slid into my black car. Nerves started to take over as I begun to wonder why I'm rushing. There was a little bit over an hour left before the interview started.

The thought of hanging out with Sandra and Catty relaxed me. We were going to a new club that had just opened. Catty heard about it from a coworker at the restaurant she work at during the week. It was declared as the town's new hottest nightclub.

The mall parking lot came into view and I found a parking spot pretty easily. I gathered my folder stuffed with papers. After I found the store, a clerk looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning. Welcome to Old Navy. How can I help you today?"

Her bleached blonde hair flowed perfectly below her shoulders and her smile was pure. She looked at me with her bright blue eyes.

I returned her smile. "Yes, I'm here for an interview."

Her smile grew bigger. "I'll let Mr. Lawson know that you're here, miss-"

"Conners. Madeline Conners."

The clerk disappeared behind a set of doors. A few moments later, the clerk returned with a man. His hair was long and black. His dark brown eyes were mesmerizing and his taste in clothes was different. He wore dark jeans, white shirt with a black blazer, and with a red and black striped tie.

His grin was full of hunger. "You must be Miss Conners. It's a pleasure to meet you." He held out his hand.

I shook his hand. His grip was strong and firm.

"We can talk in my office." He walked over to the set of doors and led me to his office. "Please have a seat."

I tentatively sat in one of the chairs that put as much distance between us as possible. He held out his hand and I abruptly stuck out my arm to hand him the folder.

After shifting through the papers briefly, he looked up at me. His eyes sparkled when they met mine. We stayed that way for several minutes without breaking eye contact.

"Everything seems amazing. I think you will be a great asset to our team."

His deep voice sent shivers down my back. Those dark chocolate eyes pulled at my heartstrings.

"I only have one question for you, Miss Conners."

"What would that be" I asked, keeping my voice cool and placing my hands delicately in my lap.

"When could you start working for us?"

I smiled and stood up to shake his hand. It felt like electric jolts zipped up through my arm. He let go to hand me back my folder and nodded his head once.

"We'll see you on Monday."

"I'll be here at eight o'clock on the dot."

Mr. Lawson led me out of his office and I went to wander around the mall for a bit. I went inside a store to see if I could find a dress for tonight. A new club required a new dress.

Why look for a dress if your girls aren't here? I thought.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Catty's number. She picked up on the first ring.

"Madeline, my dear! I haven't heard from you in ages," she greeted.

"Cat, I saw you yesterday," I laughed.

"It certainly has felt like years since I've seen you."

"How about I make it up to you then? I asked. "Meet me at the mall so we can get new outfits for tonight? Bring Sandra with you too. It'll be fun."

"You had me at 'mall.' I'll be there as soon as I can, dear."

The call ended and I continued to look around the store. I didn't want a dress that was revealing. The dress had to be dynamic and tight. I spend about half an hour looking around when Sandra and Catty pulled me into a hug.

"Surprise!" squealed Sandra.

"Honey, that dress is an a no." Catty took the bright pink sweetheart neckline dress out of my hand. "This one suits you better." She grabbed a bright blue garment with black lace caressing the sides.

I walked to a mirror and pressed the dress against my body. The blue made my eyes pop. The black made the blue brighter. The dress appeared tight and reached above my knees.

"This dress is perfect!"

"Come on, honey. You're not the only one who needs a new outfit," Catty said with a sassy attitude.

The three of us laughed and went on a hunt to find Catty's new look for tonight.

She settled on a black mini skirt with a hot pink crop top. It was revealing and sexy. The skirt hugged her hips and made her butt really pop.

Sandra found a lime green flowy dress that showed off her body in a perfect manner. A light-colored belt was wrapped around her waist. The two girls stood together and reminded me of a kiwi strawberry lollipop.

"I feel wonderful in this!" squealed Cat.

"At least we know which one of us is getting laid tonight," teased Sandra with a wink aimed for me.

I laughed with them. They went back into the changing rooms and came out with their outfits draped over one arm. After we paid for the clothes, we stood outside of the mall huddled together. The heavy sun burned my back.

"We'll meet at the club, right?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, hun!" Cat cheered. "I'll see you there." She took off with Sandra right behind her.

I turned to find my car and head back home.

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