To Forget The Past: XIX

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I stared at the blank textured canvas, a paintbrush covered in a dark, deathly black in hand. My head tilted to the right thoughtfully, I saw the large painting unfold itself before my eyes, bringing a small smile to my lips.

"So," I turned around to meet Kane facing me, his canvas stood behind him, already having a few ashen gray strokes on it. His eyes sparked with excitement as he spoke, "What are you planning on painting?"

Two days had passed since the doctors finally said I was good to leave the hospital. They had called my dad, who freaked out, saying how he was going to drive five hours out of town just to see me.

Luckily, I'd convinced him to stay in town, telling him that I was completely fine; which I was, especially when I found out our insurance would cover this whole hospital visit. So, a win-win situation: got my dad to stop freaking out and didn't have to spend four-thousand dollars on a three-day stay.

Though I was physically fine, my dad wasn't worried about me, and I didn't go bankrupt, Kane and I still never spoke about what had happened exactly. The tension loomed in the air while I caught Kane glancing at me a dozen times throughout the days; though, that was normal, what wasn't normal was the small sadness filling his eyes with each glance. But, I still refused to talk about it. Two years wasn't enough time.

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see" A growing smirk tugged at my lips as Kane sulked, pouting out his bottom lip, though I could see the smile hinting at his lips.

"Wow. Rude." I rolled my eyes at him, turning away, facing back at the canvas. A huge smile hung from my lips, knowing exactly what I wanted to paint.


Two hours later, I took a step back. A sponge sat in my hand, as I slightly sung to the song playing, excitement still overwhelmed me while I looked at my art piece, feeling proudness engulf me.

"It's a beautiful night, we're looking for something dumb to do. Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you."

I sang along to the song playing over my speaker, shuffling through my playlist. Every time I paused I heard Kane softly singing too, causing a smile to imprint on my face.

Kane and I had made a rule after deciding we'd spend the afternoon painting the day before my birthday—thank you, Isaac, for sharing that bit of information; note the sarcasm—we couldn't look at each other's paintings until we were both done.

We were currently in the last hotel we'd be in this summer before leaving off to college; which scared me.

"Okay," I set down the sponge, whipping my extremely messy colorful hands off on a—white—hotel towel; oops? "Are you done?" I spoke, eagerly wanting to turn around to look at Kane's painting.

"Hold on a second"

I groaned loudly, soon later deciding who actually cares about rules, and turned around, completely dismissing what we'd agreed upon. Oh well.

"Whoa," I gasped, my eyes widening at the canvas. A large wolf was posed in a frozen walking motion, several tones of grey and red strokes ran against the canvas, creating the piece like a sketchy-look, slightly messy, but in the most beautiful way ever.

Kane turned around, a medium size brush still in his hands as he playfully glared at me. "Um, excuse me, I said hold on" I ignored him, though he was obviously kidding. I couldn't remove my eyes from his piece.

Nothing sat behind or beside the wolf that was stretched out on the white canvas, which I could tell Kane was about to add something to finish it off; well, before I stopped him by being my impatient little self.

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