Chapter 77: Irene Rose

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i love you all, we're going through this together. i hope you like this chapter....

  My heart constricted into my chest, the visible pain that flashed through his eyes as he watched me try to grasp my words and feelings. The tears pricked my eyes as I recalled so many memories that it gave me a headache, the feelings rushed through me and the worry in Archer's eyes was so visible that it hurt me too. I tried to think of something appropriate to say, but nothing came up. I had told him the truth, it might hurt me less and maybe help him remember. Goddess, how do you tell someone who forgot everything? What do you say to them to answer a question that is painful enough to think about?

  Just tell him, Irene, just do it. If you don't you'll regret it. Like when you said- no, don't even think about it. Goddess, help me.

   "Irene?" Archer said, his voice a whisper as he edged to me, he sensed my pain, I knew it, the mark allows him too, but I bet he doesn't know what those feelings are. He wouldn't know they were from me, but he will, he has to. I couldn't take the pain anymore.

   "A mate is a short word for a soulmate. You may only get one in your entire life. They make you whole, they are your rock, your light, your sole purpose of living. All werewolves have one, no matter what gender or what they look like. They are practically made for you, the Goddess gave you a gift in the form of a human being. They are your opposite, your equal, your everything. They are the most important person in your life and once they die, it gives you unimaginable pain and sorrow. In your eyes, they are the most beautiful person you know, any flings, romantic relationships you had before is nothing compared to what you both share.

   Your wolf and you will always crave for them, heed at their every saying and you will always need them no matter what. It is the ultimate gift and you'd never want anyone else, you will love them and cherish them until you die," I whispered out, feeling the tears spring out of the corners of my eyes at the sight of memories flashing in between words, the hugs, the kisses, the tears, everything. I felt it all surface back into my body as the numbness subsided to give way to the pain. Please remember me, Goddess, please remember me. Take my pain away, I can't handle this, goddess.

   "How do you know you've met them?" he muttered, eyes filling with an emotion of maybe sorrow, confusion and conflict. I couldn't bear to see it and I looked away. I took a deep breath.

    "You'd know, your wolf will tell you, it's like a pull bringing you closer if they are near. It all starts with your wolf becoming anxious and then you smell something. An intoxicating smell. An addiction, your drug. It attracts you to them, it is a smell you find most appealing. For me, it's the smell of books and pine trees. I don't know about you, but for me, it is the most intoxicating smell and I would want to wrap myself in that smell forever, it is my addiction, it is my drug. I cannot stop smelling it and I cannot stop craving it. That smell, the delicious smell is your mate, I'm not sure why we smell it, but we do. It brings us to them, it is the Moon Goddess telling you that is your mate, the one she asks you take care of forever. Then you touch them, and you feel warmth against your skin, goosebumps will rise from underneath your skin and you will simply know that this person is who you are made for. Your other half, your destiny. Afterwards, on some occasions, you speak the word out. "Mate," and that's when you know you've found them," I inform him, feeling the weight of something bring me down as I could smell the books and the pine trees from the person across from me. I whimpered out at the scent, wanting to wrap it around me until I die, but I couldn't he doesn't know me for who I am to him.

   "Have you met your mate?" he asked ever so painfully and I sobbed, I broke, fuck being strong and numb. I choked out tears as I held my head in my hands, the pain of being forgotten rubbing against my heart. Goddess, I want to take this away. Goddess, help me. I couldn't even muster an answer as I just broke, my mate doesn't even know who I am, my mate doesn't know his mate his sitting right in front of him. The love of my life doesn't even know and it breaks me every second.

    As I cried right in front of him, I felt two large arms wrap around my body, the familiar scent of books and pine trees engulfing me. My skin sparking up as I unconsciously moved closer to him, soaking his shirt in my tears. I missed the feeling of his arms wrapped around mine, it felt good to be comforted. I love him, but he forgot me. How could that even happen? I choked up another sob as one hand glided across my back, the fire between his hand my skin burning up, his mere presence bringing comfort for me, his touch extinguished some of the pain within me.  He said no words as he stroked my back, I hoped he could feel what I felt as I poured my love and heart out to him. He is my mate, but he doesn't know it yet. 

   Something wet grew on my shoulder, and I knew it wasn't from me. With a little confusion, I glanced to the side and saw Archer buried into my shoulder, shaking and sobbing right there. I felt his shaking across my body as he simply just hugged me as I hugged him, our tears soaking into each other's shirt as we let our emotions out. I didn't know why he was crying, but I let him. Maybe the pain of forgetting has weighed him down that now he has to release all the pressure. My heart clenched for him, it was like I could feel his pain as his own. 

   "Why are you crying?" I sniffled, wiping some tears that escaped my eyes. I noticed a number of tears that I've cried as I eyed the big wet patch on his shirt, and I felt bad about ruining his shirt. I'm such a mess. I can't even get my feelings straight. I felt his move off my shoulder and looked at me, his eyes glistening with wet crystals and some sliver trails coming down his eyes. I saw the conflict fighting in his eyes, the pain that he showed through them made me want to cry all over again. My heart aching for him. I just couldn't handle the pain anymore. He tried to give me a smile, but it faltered and wavered the more he stared at me. These were some of the rare occasions where I'd seen him cry, and it doesn't hurt any less. He looked so broken.

    "I'm crying because I've forgotten the most precious thing a wolf could ever have, a mate," he said with tears pouring out of his eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat as I saw something resurface his eyes that I haven't seen in so long. Adoration and love. I felt more tears spill out of my eyes at the sight of it, my heart beating quickly as he bent down to eye level and in that moment, I knew that something inside of him clicked. The look in his eyes told me something, and what it felt like was something that I felt when I first met him. The blind eyes had turned blue and now, sitting here in front of him. I knew all would be well. And with happy tears threatening to spill from just staring at him, we both whispered the same thing. 

   "You are my mate, you are mine,"

A.N fucking hell... started from the bottom now we're here,

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