Chapter 30: Alpha Archer

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   The past few days have been filled with intense training and therapy, both helping me become as strong as my wolf side. I've been beaten, threatened and have filled most of my days with rage so I was able to learn how to control my wolf. Venus hated every second of it. Every time I unblocked our connection he started to growl and bark about how insulting it was to be treated like an omega and I knew he won't stop there.

   During therapy I was asked various of questions for my mental health, the therapist, who was one of the betas, was unravelling my past and was always trying to bring out the worst in me. The part of me I could not control. I was silent for the first two days before the rage and fuel pumped into my blood and I was a ranting and sweaty mess. Beta Ion was very patient with me and constantly told me the same chant every time I was starting to lose myself to my wolf. 

  'Fight it. Fight it. Fight him.'

  It was a chant that I constantly fought against, my wolf and I were meant to be one, not fighting each other, and I will admit it was a stupid chant and yesterday it fuelled my wolf's anger to a million. Beta Ion was now in critical condition, my wolf getting the best of him and had beat the living shit out of the poor Beta. I apologised several hundred times and even though he forgave me for each and every one of them, I couldn't help but let the guilt trip me every time I saw him in the hospital, which was almost every break that I had. The guilt was consuming me, but the pack doctor had informed me that he was going to be well very soon and I was quite glad.

  Today was meant to be a big day. My mate was coming to visit and I couldn't wait to wrap. my arms around her small body. I missed her smell, I missed her touch, I missed her in general. Trying to keep my wolf at bay meant to also keep him from freaking out in front of her when she came by, her scent does too much to my wolf and I was trying to keep him at bay the past few days, so far I have not improved since I first came here. I was doing this for her. All the therapy sessions, all the training and all the nights wondering what it would be like to wake up in her arms was for her. I was going to improve for her. Just thinking about her would help me and my situation ten times better, her being here would time it by a hundred. 

  So there I was, taking a prompt shower to calm my nerves as the clock ticked by closer to eight o'clock. After dressing up in what seemed to be a comfortable outfit, I walked out to where I was meant to meet her. It was a small diner in the pack, I had visited a few times during my breaks and had decided it would be the perfect place to spend quality time with my mate. With her crowding my thoughts, I sat patiently in one of the booths waiting for her arrival. I was dressed in a pale blue polo shirt and some black jeans along with some sneakers that my mother had thrown at me as I got dressed. She described them to be simple as I put them on. I kept my hair messy and took no notice in how crazy I appeared.

  I knew I had heavy bags under my eyes and a few new battle scars from intense training. I also had acquired a rash on my right arm from falling on a bush of poison ivy which was starting to clear up. I had no time to iron my shirt or pants for this occasion and I wasn't concerned.  Irene would like me just the way I am if she did even like me. I also knew that I was not that hungry, I had eaten before hand because of my schedule, which I could not get out of and decided to just eat light so I could talk more to Irene.

  Her name was giving my jitters, even an Alpha like me could not resist my mate. I was unheard of.

 It was eight o'clock.

 The nerves that I was mentioning before were alight with steroids and were jumping around the place, Venus was teasing me for being so nervous but had a hint of annoyance while one minute passed by. Breathing in heavily I awaited my mate to come, my fingers tapping against the wooden table as I hummed lightly to myself, trying to pep talk myself about this situation.

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