Chapter 2 - Past Relationships

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       I definitely have to give some recognition to the drinks we had in the wedding, because as Niall drives to whatever we are going, there's just awkward silence. I don't know what I expected, that he would come in horses so we could ride to our destination like in the old times? This is the retreat centre anymore.

It's hard to reconcile that this is the present with our previous history: we are not supposed to be the same we were seven years ago and we can't act the in such way. This is starting all over again, and just now I realise it might not be that easy.

Someone should give me a glass of wine, I bet I can let loose a bit then.

"So..." I begin after about ten minutes where I didn't know what to say aside the normal greetings, and it seems Niall is just the same. His eyes are focused on the road, the GPS telling him where he has to go. It makes me assume he doesn't go to this place very often, or he is just used to it. "Where are we going? I feel like I should've asked before."

"It's a French restaurant a friend owns. The food is really good so I thought it would be nice," Niall answers, taking a quick glance at me from the corner of his eyes, the smile soon follows. "Is there anything you are allergic to? I don't want to feed you something that will take you to the hospital. Or have you become a vegetarian?"

"You know... I wouldn't have thought of asking about allergies for a first date... pre-date," I comment, wondering if he's allergic to something or if he mentioned it when we met long ago but I forgot.

"I've seen things..." Niall answers and his expression has a ghost that for some reason makes me chuckle because it seems more dramatic than it should be. It reminds me to an expression Charlie used to make when he went online and read Drarry fan fictions.

"I think you've read things. Don't tell me you read the fan fictions your own fans wrote," I accuse because surely there might have been countless of stories where he was the main lead.

Niall's expression freezes, his hands squeezing the steering wheel tighter and his lips pressed in a tight light.

"You have! And you've read the ones that traumatised you!" I exclaim, reading his expression and bouncing on the driving seat, clapping in delight and feeling a lot better for being able to tease him and break the awkwardness like that.

"Fans have... a wild and dark imagination," Niall speaks and his voice tells me he is still haunted for some of the things he's read.

I laugh out loud, not imagining what kind of stories he stumbled upon but just enjoying that he willingly read One Direction fan fictions on his own. I just find it priceless.

"I was curious!" The former pop star defends himself, an offended look in his eyes that's nothing but fake, yet I still try to control my chuckles because his cheeks are tainted pink, even the tip of his ears and although teasing him is fun, I don't want him that uncomfortable.

"I won't ask what type of stories you read," I grant, trying to keep a solemn expression. "And just so you don't live any of the stories you've read, I am not allergic. At least not that I know. Don't make me eat anything too weird, just in case."

"Noted," Niall smiles, once again fully focused on the road.

The restaurant isn't too far and the very owner greets us, clearly delighted to have Niall there apparently after a long time. "It's such a pleasure to see you again," the man speaks. He's probably late thirties, with some stylish grey hairs, handsome features in an elegant way, as someone who takes care of his appearance. He does have a slight accent, but very little, I notice it because I was hoping a thick French accent. "And who do we have here? Who is this lovely lady?"

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