Chapter 24: Danger Zone and Neutral Grounds

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The world was spinning.

I leaned my back on the wall and waited for the nausea to pass. I was in the less crowded part of the club, far from the dance floor and what seemed to be half of our town's rich kid population. The only light came from the two lamps hanging on the wall which was dim enough to provide a little bit of privacy to the couple making out just a few feet away from me.

It was a bit colder here and I was bothered by the fact that I was only wearing a black, tube top and skinny jeans. I left my jacket somewhere near the bar and I wasn't covered enough for my liking. I was sure I felt sexy and mature wearing it earlier but now, I only felt silly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I shouldn't have come here.

Shawn warned me that coming here here would be a terrible idea. I was starting to think he was right.

The people walking past me on the way to the restrooms couldn't be older than twenty one. My responsible side couldn't help but think that I would be in big trouble if there would be a police raid. My drunk, reckless self just didn't give a damn. I came here to forget, and forget was what I was supposed to do. It wasn't very effective.

I felt annoyance crept into my skin as the image of that heartless boy suddenly popped inside my head. It was unfortunate for me that the last person I needed to see right now was also the first person I searched for in the crowd. I was so pathetic.

It was supposed to be the coolest party ever and I should feel honored I got an invite but all I could feel right now was guilt and regret. Guilt because I was now contributing to the alarming rate of underage drinking in this country and regret because my feet were killing me from wearing this bloody high heeled boots Sophie lent me.

"Need some company?" I heard someone say.

I opened my eyes and saw a boy standing in front of me. The darkness hid most of his features but I could tell from his silhouette that he was tall, lean, and trouble.

I gave him an impressive glare that would give Medusa a run for her money.

"No thanks. I've already reached my maximum limit of acceptable daily human interaction. I'm done for the day." I said.

That wasn't the warmest welcome ever but the boy laughed happily as if I just told him we were now official bffs.

"You sound like a character straight out of John Green's book." He said, still chuckling under his breath.

I narrowed my eyes at him eventhough I was sure he couldn't see me.

"What do you mean?"

He casually walked closer and stood beside me.

"You know, the deep, antisocial, misunderstood teen who talks like a forty year old guy with a Phd."

I crossed my arms over my chest.

"If this is a book then I think we've already reached the part where the protagonist is assaulted by some random bad guy in a party for the sole purpose of giving the love interest a scene where he could show his manly and heroic side to the girl he usually treats like trash." I slurred embarrassingly. All my self inhibitions left me a few tequilas ago so my tongue was looser than normal and given what happened earlier this morning at school, I was also more of a loser than normal.

The boy let out a hearty laugh.

"You're not planning to assault me now, are you?" he asked, one eyebrow raised.

I almost let out a smile.

"Who says you're the protagonist?" I said in a playful tone.

The boy shrugged.

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