Chapter 16: Cain and Maria

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I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your, let me be your last first kiss.
I wanna be first yeah,
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this.

And if you only knew
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss.

-Last First Kiss, One Direction


Hunter just held me the entire time I was crying. I clutched his shirt for support and cried until there were no tears coming out of my tear ducts. I wasn't even crying because of fear. I was crying because of anger; pure, unadulterated anger.

I hated feeling this way. The feeling of being so angry, you couldn't do anything but cry. I didn't even know whom I was more angry at... The guy or myself.

Probably both.

I could've prevented everything if only I was smart enough to listen to the warning bells inside my head that told me to put at least a hundred mile distance between me and that bastard. In my defense, I didn't expect he'd turn out to be a kiss-thief.

The funny thing was, I knew the guy didn't kiss me out of lust. I couldn't explain it, but it was like he did that to provoke me... or to prove something. Either way, I still felt taken advantaged of, and it made me extremely furious. I should've kicked that guy's ass... Or better yet, egged his Maserati.

My grip at Hunter's shirt tightened. Just thinking about that douchebag made me want to kick something... most preferably his groins.

I felt Hunter pulled away so that he could look at my face. His fingers moved gently to wipe the tears off my cheeks.

"Stop crying, Sky." He whispered, his voice so gentle I felt like my heart would melt into puddles. His eyes were still full of worry and guilt and I wanted nothing but to erase that look on his face; to tell him that none of it was his fault, but I still couldn't find my voice so I just nodded and tried my best to not look like a human hosepipe.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?"

I suddenly felt embarrassed. What would Hunter think of me if I told him that a hot guy just decided to kiss me and I just let it happen without any opposition whatsoever on my part? Would he think I was weak? Would he think I was some sort of a damsel in distress who couldn't save herself?

It was probably my pride, but I didn't feel like telling Hunter the truth. I had a feeling that if I ever told Hunter, he would move heaven and earth just to find the guy and retaliate, and although that sounded like a great idea, I didn't fancy being the damsel in distress in this story. I needed no knight in shining armor.

I shook my head.

"I'm trying not to even think about it." the words rolled out of my tongue in a whisper and I almost took them back when I saw a tinge of something that closely resembled hurt passed Hunter's eyes. He dropped his hands from my shoulders and turned his gaze away from me.

Running his fingers through his hair, he let out a breath, and I wasn't sure if that was a short laugh or an exasperated sigh.

"You're killing me." he said after a while. He sounded tired and worried and amused, all at the same time. When he turned to face me again, an easy smile was already playing on his lips.

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