Level 31: Get Wooed by Your Ex

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The next week flew by. Axel and I hung out during lunch and after school. When we weren't together we were on the phone—calling, video-chatting or texting. Somehow, Axel seemed different. Maybe it was the way he looked at me, or how his smiles seemed more genuine than they had before. Or maybe the change was just how I saw him now.

Now I couldn't help noticing little things about him. The way I could see his canines when he grinned. How much I liked the nickname Curls. How thick his eyelashes were. The shape of his lips...


I was in love with Axel.

And the thought was absolutely terrifying, because I knew there was no way he felt the same way. When I remembered that, my chest ached.

Even knowing that, I still loved being around him. I liked seeing his smile. I liked hearing him laugh. I liked watching his facial expressions when he talked.

I loved everything about him.

It was Sunday evening, and I was just about to call Axel when I got a knock on my bedroom door.

I stood, crossing the room. "Mom, is that you?"

The voice that responded made me pause.

"No, it's me."

For a second, I didn't move. Then I pulled open the door.

Mark stood in the hallway, wearing a dark suit. In his hands was a bouquet of roses. His smile was nervous. "Can I come in?"

I hesitated. "Okay."

Mark stepped inside my bedroom. I shut the door.

"You didn't tell your mom we broke up," he said softly, his eyes flickering around the room.

"There wasn't really time," I said.

Mom was so wrapped up with Ken, and her new life, that it was difficult to find a time to tell her. I didn't want to see her sad. She would definitely be worried about me if she found out Mark and I broke up. And she would ask why—I wasn't sure how well I could evade that question.

"Did you tell her?" I asked.

I wasn't sure how I would feel about that—relieved that she knew the truth, worried about how she would react. I'd wanted her attention before, but now...

Mark shook his head, his gaze on the carpet. "Violet, I am so sorry." His features twisted. "What I did—I know the line I crossed was so horrible—" His voice cut off as he took a breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I said.

And it was.

I kept expecting my chest to hurt, for a sob to rise, but nothing happened.

Mark took another breath. "I don't deserve you." His brows crumpled. "Everything I've done proves that I don't deserve you. But—" His eyes lifted to mine, pleading. "But I reserved a table at that restaurant tonight—the one from our first date. Please—please give me a chance to prove I'm sorry. To even try to win you back."

I frowned. "Mark, I don't want—"

Abruptly, my phone rang. A picture of Axel making a smouldering expression flashed on the screen.

"Sorry, I have to take this. Wait please." I scurried into the bathroom, shutting the door and swiping the screen.

Axel's perfect face filled the phone screen. He smirked. "Hey, Curls." Then he raised an eyebrow. "Change of décor? Why are you hiding out in the bathroom?"

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