Pre-Game 4: Do Something Stupid

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I sat up, dragging a hand through my hair. Irritation rippled through my muscles.

I'd slept literally fifteen seconds. Fifteen flipping seconds. Who the hell woke me up?

I slid a glare in the direction of the door, then blinked.

A girl.

There was a girl sitting on the floor in front of the door, staring at me in shock.

A girl with large brown eyes, dark brown skin and thick, long, wildly curly black hair.


I blinked again, brushing the thought away. My irritation dissipated. What was she doing h—

She started sobbing.

My eyes widened. Okay, wasn't expecting that.

I tugged at my collar, uncomfortable. "Hey, uh, stop."

It didn't work.

I hesitated, then I sighed, standing. I crossed the room, crouching in front of her.

Close up, her eyelashes were super long. And her skin was flawless. She was gorgeous.

I brushed that thought away. Focus.

My brows furrowed. Now that I thought about it... I recognised her. She was Ken Dawson's new stepdaughter. She must have been at the wedding in the Bahamas. What was her name? I drew a blank.

I frowned. "Hey," I tried, "don't cry."

Shockingly, that didn't work either.

My eyes flickered back to her hair. It looked super soft. Unable to resist, I lifted one of her curls. It was even softer than I'd expected.

"Hey, curls, why are you crying?"

Why am I even asking?

I didn't expect her to tell me. So I was surprised when she mumbled something incoherent.

I leaned forward, still fiddling with a lock of her hair. "What was that?"

I heard her this time. "He cheated on me," she blubbered.

A wave of annoyance rolled through me. Cheaters. I hated them.

Besides, what kind of idiot cheats on a girl this hot?

"Huh," I drawled. "He sounds like a dumbass."

She hiccupped between her sobs then said, "It was with my stepsister."

My brows rose.

"Wow," I said. "What a dick."

Seriously, that was a level of dickbaggery I couldn't comprehend.

I frowned, focusing on the girl again. She was still sobbing. I had no idea what I was supposed to say to make her stop.

"Please don't cry," I tried.

The dumbass isn't worth it.

She just cried harder.

"Crap," I mumbled. This was going well. "Is there anything I can do to make you stop crying?"

She shook her head. Her curls bounced with the movement.

How was I supposed to respond to that?

I parted my lips. Maybe you should go home, is what I intended to say, instead what came out was: "What if I help you get revenge?"

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