Ch. 49 - Home

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"Ivy, do something else! No one knows what you mean by," Jonas waves his hands around in the air to mimic me, "this!"

I sigh. How am I supposed to know how to act out Suzy Snowflake? These charade cards are rigged to hurt my team. "I'm sorry, guys," I say when the timer buzzes. "I did my best."

"Can we pick new teams?" Jonas asks, standing up from the couch.

"You were the one who wanted Ivy on your team, Jonas," Addison says. "You did this to yourself."

Jonas huffs and plops back down in the couch. "This game is rigged." I sit down next to him, and he gives me the evil eye.

"Hey, Jonas, you might not see Ivy in months, and this is how you're going to treat her?" Mrs. Kennedy asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jonas rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'll send her an apologetic post card."

I smile and pat his knee. "I'll look forward to it."

"Can you guys stay longer?" Bethany asks, climbing next to me on the couch. "Why do you have to leave today?"

"Hey, we're not leaving yet. You still haven't performed your recital for us," I remind, squeezing Elliott's hand in mine.

Beth leaps off the couch. "You're right! I'm going to go grab my dress. Ethan, set up the music," she bosses. "Crystal, Rose, work on the lighting. Addison, my hair." She turns to Jonas and puckers her lips. "Yeah, you... you just sit there, Jo."

Jonas drops his mouth open. "Excuse me? As your manager, I expect more respect, missy."

Bethany giggles and runs upstairs to change. Addison follows closely behind to help her get ready. Elliott and his mom go to the kitchen to clean the pancake mess from breakfast this morning. I wanted to help, but Mrs. Kennedy refused to allow a guest to clean. And so Jonas Kennedy and I were left alone.

"So," Jonas starts, "you happy?"

I'm taken by surprise at the question, expecting him to yell at me for my crappy charade skills. "What?"

"Are you happy?"

I smile softly and nod. "I am."

Jonas nods and lets out a heavy sigh. "Finally!"

I laugh, "what do you mean by that?"

"We, the Kennedy's, your family, know you best. And when we saw you at Thanksgiving, you were a pitiful mess." He clicks his tongue. "But, hey, you weren't alone. Elliott was hospitalized for being so goddamn sad. The compatibility of you two!"

"Yeah, well, I'm happy now. I am. I think Elliott is too."

"I know he is, Ivy," Jonas says in a serious tone that never comes from Jonas.

"Who are we gossiping about?" Elliott asks when he runs back into the family room, plopping down on the couch next to me and resting his head on my shoulder.

I smile at Jonas before turning to Elliott and kissing his cheek. "Just some boy."

"Whoa, Jo, you got a new man?" Elliott asks his brother curiously.

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