Ch. 47 - Happier

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After the Friendsgiving party, Elliott wouldn't answer my calls or texts, which was probably a good thing on his part. All I was planning on doing was battling him in a screaming match. I was furious. I still am.

He has a girlfriend who lives with him, and then he goes around saying that he's still in love with me. Not on my watch, sir. It's madness. I won't stand being caught in some messed up cheating, not after everything I've been through. If he wants me, he'll pick me. But he can't also have her.

There's a chance he just said it in the heat of the moment, though I didn't feel any flames between us so that seems unlikely. It was strange of him, which isn't too weird for Elliott if I'm being honest. But still. He just walked away and went into a different conversation. What was I supposed to do? I hiked up my brown trousers and sprinted out of the apartment.

After I got back to my place, I expected a phone call from Elliott, or at least from Nora. Silence. I was almost tempted to call my phone company to make sure it was working correctly. Nora came home with Flynn at an absurdly late hour because apparently all the adults went out to the bars after the party. I'm glad I wasn't forced to be part of that as well.

Nora told me that Elliott wasn't still in love with me and that he probably meant that he still cares about me. Apparently, he seemed very attentive and loving with Evelyn the rest of the party. I'm not one to talk, but that could be just a show. Why would the host and hostess want to fight at their own party? Yeah, they wouldn't.

"No, Jett, I'm not letting you take Elm to Florida with you!" I snap into the phone. "How do expect him to get there, huh? I just hand him his boarding pass and he hops on a plane? He's a dog, in case you forgot!"

"They let Scooby on the plane in the Scooby Doo movie, Ivy!" he whines.

I grab a bowl for my cereal and set it on the counter, attempting to multitask and also sign my paychecks. "Look, bud, I'll talk to you later, okay? Love you."

"Whatever, hater!"

I hang up and sign off the check before pouring Cap'n Crunch and milk into the bowl. Before I get a chance to eat a spoonful, my phone rings with a phone call from Jonas. I swear, if he's trying to back up Jett in the Elm-to-Florida plan, I'll hang up.

"Hey, I'm really busy right now. I'm trying to get ready for-"

"Are you at the hospital?" he asks without letting me finish. Typical.

"No. My shift is in about half an hour. Is everything alright?"

I hear Addison talking loudly in the background, as well as the twins. Jonas tells them to keep their voices down. "Sort of, I think."

"Sort of, you think?" I raise an eyebrow and eat some cereal.

"Elliott blacked out again, which obviously doesn't concern you, but we're all at the hospital and we just... I don't know. It'd be nice to see a familiar face. All these nurses suffer with some serious resting bitch faces."

I smile softly. "Okay, Jo, I'll try to get there as soon as possible to see you before my shift starts."

"Thanks, Ivy," he mumbles into the phone before ending the call.

I slip my phone into my bag before rushing around to get ready. In ten minutes, I'm out the door and heading to the bus stop. Luckily, I make the earlier bus and can get to the hospital before my shift starts with enough time to see the Kennedy's.

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