Chapter 37--The End of a Good Story

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After exams, I went back to Michigan for two weeks. My mom wanted me to stay for a month but I told her I had plans and other things going on back in Miami. Of course, both my parents decided to interrogate me and ask what could possibly be more important than family. I finally told them about Parris-Kingsman. They didn't believe me at first.

"Hold up," Matt shaped his hands into a T calling a timeout. We were all sitting around having dinner. Our conversation started with how Will was now engaged and getting married in ten months. Then it slowly transferred to me and what I was up to. "You're telling me that you've been working with one of the largest firms in the world?"

I slowly nodded, "Yeah..."

"You haven't even graduated college and you're already designing skyscrapers?" Will basically shouted.

"I'm sorry that I'm already more successful than you," I said with a victorious smile. Will rolled his eyes at me.

"Shit," James laughed as he patted my back.

"Watch your language young man," My mom scoffed.

"Mom," James stood up and put his hands on my shoulders. "My baby sister is famous."

I frowned, "No I'm not."

"You're going to be rich," James ruffled his fingers through my hair and I swatted them away. "Can you buy me an expensive sports car?"

My dad was skeptical. He and my mother didn't believe me at first until I pulled up the article in the architecture magazine. As they read about my design, my eyes didn't move from the picture of Aaron and me. It had been months since I talked to him. I tried calling before I left for Michigan. Just to see how he was doing. But his line was disconnected.

"This is real," My dad gave me a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you baby girl."

"Why didn't you tell us?" My mother exploded.

I shrugged and let my family continue gushing. My brothers started asking for help. They wanted me to invest in their new company and help them pay off their student loans—like I didn't have my own to worry about. My mother wanted to call everyone in the neighborhood and tell the whole town. They were overly proud but also impressed and I was glad that I finally told them. It wasn't like I was keeping a secret from them. I just didn't want them to know anything until I was sure it was a solid plan. And telling my mom over the phone would probably have been the worst decision ever.

James came and found me in my room after we all had dinner. I was on my sketchpad, drawing different things that came to mind. He took a seat at the foot of my bed and smiled softly, "Want to go bowling with Ashley and I?"

I checked the time and nodded, "Sure."

We were in the car on our way to pick up Ashley when James said, "Mom told me that Kellie and Victoria moved in with you. Did the guys leave?"

"Yeah," I said gently. "They left a while back."

James nodded. For a few seconds, it was quiet until he sighed and asked, "Are you alright sis?"

"Everyone keeps asking me that," My eyebrows furrowed together. "I'm fine."

"I know you Parker," James stopped at a four-way. There were no cars coming through. He pulled up the parking brake and turned to look at me. "You push everything down and always keep a calm persona. Even when you're upset. You're good at that. I remember when we were kids we would never argue because you always flow with everything. Don't get me wrong, it's very Zen and shit. But still..."

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