Chapter 31--There's A Curse Word In Every Sentence

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I've only been to a police station once in my life. It was when I was still in Michigan. Trying to figure out if I wanted to be a waitress or not. I went down to the police station near my old campus and got a server's alcohol permit. The police station in Michigan wasn't at all scary. In fact, it was rather plain. My comparison further reminded me how different Michigan is to Miami.

When Aaron was taken away I instantly called Pierce. Pierce told me to wait for him but my anticipation took over. It wasn't hard to find where the local police station was. A quick search on my phone and I was following after the cop car that took Aaron.

Arriving to the police station was a totally different experience. Most of the people I saw getting out of cars or were in handcuffs were drunk or on drugs. The station itself was surrounded by officers that were drinking their cups of coffee. It must be the night shift for them, but overall they didn't look ridiculously bust. When I stepped foot inside I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to do. This was the first time I'd ever been put in this situation. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to bail Aaron out or wait.

I called Pierce again to let him know where I was. While waiting for my best friend to arrive, I took a seat at one of the extra chairs. A few cops glanced in my direction but most of them walked by me without acknowledgement.

My mind felt jittery but my body was exhausted. Half of me wanted to stand up and pace while the other half wanted to curl up and sleep. How could Aaron do this? I know he did it on purpose. I'm not stupid and blind. He got the officers attention to try and diffuse it off of me. But what I don't understand is why he would do it if he knew he would have been arrested.

I buried my face into my hands wondering, God I hope he's ok in there.

I must have blacked out a few minutes because the next thing I know is Pierce standing in front of me. He was saying my name a few times until I finally responded. When I stood up he pulled me into a hug and kept asking if I was alright. "Are you sure you're not hurt?" He asked.

I nodded into his shoulder, "I'm fine."

He pulled away and gave me a soft smile, "I told you to be careful."

"What about your brother?" I asked. "Do you know if Aaron is ok?"

Pierce rolled his eyes, "Yeah the adrenaline junkie is fine."

"I outta beat that boy's ass," Someone behind Pierce said. Pierce inwardly flinched and pushed a reassuring smile at me even though I could see right through it.

"Don't worry," Pierce said when I started to look over his shoulder. "That's just a family friend."

I frowned and zeroed in on the man. He was big. I mean beer belly big. The suit he was wearing was obviously custom made but even with adjustments it was tight around his body. He looked like he belonged to an Italian mafia with the shoes he was wearing and the suspenders peeking through his jacket. The small amount of hair he had was combed back in a greasy manner. When he briefly turned around I saw the ever-growing mustache that matched his small beard.

The man walked by us—obviously furious—towards the officer at the front desk. He started barking different things to the cop, who looked new at his job and was taken aback. The cop explained what the charges were for reckless driving and for license plate registration forgery. The man in the suit ran his hand through his greasy hair before sighing.

I turned my attention back to Pierce and raised an eyebrow, "Who is that?"

Pierce licked his lips and hesitated, "His name is Phillip. He's a close family friend."

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