Alpha's Babies - 16

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Despite everything that had happened in the past few weeks, Caden was even badder than usual. It was like something had happened to him while he'd been asleep.
He'd worn me out in ways he never used to.
"Caden please, sit down!" I said to him grabbing his arm and trying to pull him down forcefully, he ignored me and stood on the stool beside me. Corbin was sat on Colten's lap, leaning back peacefully against his chest and eating the pasta that Colten was feeding him.

"I'm an airplane!" Caden yelled.
I sighed and kept a hold of his hand. "Caden, sit down." I said, for the tenth time, all the strength knocked out of me.
He laughed "No!"
Colten laughed a little too. It was the first time I'd ever seen him so...happy.
"Don't encourage him, please," I said.
I took my eyes of Caden for one second and in that second he'd managed to slip and fall smack backwards on to the linoleum floor, he lay there sprawled like a sea star, a shocked expression on his face.

I gasped and stood up quickly but so did Caden. He laughed and rubbed his head then climbed right back onto the stool again.
"That boy has an iron body," Colten muttered.
"Gets it from me," I said. Colten smiled slightly.
"I'm sorry but he's got Alpha blood in him so it's probably me,"

"You know, your blood is really strong. Your parents must have been so powerful." I said but all of a sudden, Colten's eyes clouded over and his face tightened. He looked down at Corbin "Hey, you done, little buddy?" he asked pulling the empty plate away. It was quite sweet that him and Corbin were so close now and that was all I asked for.

But as my mate, I need him to be able to open up to me.
He didn't answer and stood up, Corbin perched on his arm, his own little arms around his dad's neck tight.

Caden looked at them wistfully for a moment but then decided to step onto the kitchen counter and walk around on it, stomping his bare feet.

"Hey! Get down! People eat on there!" I yelled at him, making futile attempts to grab him and pull him down. He laughed and then went away quickly from my outstretched hands. Colten put Corbin on my lap and then put his hands in his hips, frowning.

"Get down," he said. He hadn't shouted or said it angrily, but he said it in a way that made Caden stop in his tracks. Both of them stared each-other down, each silently daring the other to make the first move.


There was the sharp intake of Colten's breath. He obviously wasn't used to being disobeyed, especially by three year olds.

Caden then stuck his tongue right out and wiggled it as far as he could.
"Right," I said getting up and grabbing his little arm before he could move again and lifted him down. "I'm tired of you being so rude. Apologise, please." I said sternly.
Caden scowled at me which surprised me a lot more than it should have. Plus the fact that he looked the spitting image of Colten when he did that.

Caden twisted out of my grip and then ran out of the kitchen. I sighed "You know, I would never dream of hitting my babies but that boy..."
Colten's hand rested on my shoulder slightly, which sent a warm chill down my back. "It's okay, I was seven times worse than him before I was even his age."

"Really? Your mother got any good advice for me?" I asked, putting my head in my hands. I felt his hand draw away from me when I said that. I looked up at him and his face was slightly withdrawn, a hazy look over his eyes. I probably struck a nerve when I said that.

"What about your parents?" he asked instead.
I shrugged "I don't know. They didn't wanna know me after the whole pregnancy thing." I stroked Corbin's hair gently as I spoke.
"I'm sorry." he said a little awkwardly.
I rested my chin in my son's fluffy head and sighed "Yeah, me too."

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