Alpha's Babies - 8

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I didn't have any idea what was happening to me, I sat at my desk, my head in my hands. My felt super fuzzy and heavy and I was sweating horribly. Maybe it was from all that crying after I found out how I'd been able to neglect my own kids like that. I hadn't cried since two years ago when I realised that I was never going to find my mate again.
Nick suddenly burst in "You called, Alpha?"
I slowly put my head back so it rested on the back of the chair.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked weakly.
Nick frowned and came over to me "Why? What's up?"
I closed my eyes feeling so tired and weak.
"Where is...Raiven?" I struggled to say. Something must have happened to her, I could feel it with every fibre in me. Nick took a tissue and dabbed it at my forehead. "I've just seen her with Derek. You think it's got something to do with him?"

I snapped my eyes open. "Definitely," I said.
After Raiven kissed me before, I didn't want to let her go ever again. We'd been separate for too long. I'm not letting her go again. She said it herself that she wasn't in love with Derek, I loved hearing those words and nearly passed out with happiness when she'd said that.

No-one could even describe the hatred I felt for Derek. If his bear shifting wasn't so useful to the pack, I would have snapped his jaw open a long time ago.

I looked up at him and out my arm out "Help me up,"
Nick sighed and pulled me up. Once I was up, I shook my head clear again to regain some strength. Once I was sure that I could stand on my own two feet, I punched Nick the chest. He doubled up, groaning and cursing.
I flexed my fingers happily. "Sorry, dude. Practicing just in case," I said and walked out.

Despite my woozy state, I got out of my office and managed it to the top of the stairs, feeling a pull towards her. That's when I heard the beautiful laugh of hers and my kids. I smiled a little to myself.
"Oh, Derek! You're so funny!"

My smile automatically faded. If this is what breaking up means nowadays then I must be getting old.
I marched down the stairs, slightly angry. But I kept it in, maybe she was just messing around with him before she dropped the bombshell.
What I saw before me tore at my insides horribly. My wolf howled in jealousy and frustration.
Derek had on arm wrapped round Raiven's waist and she cosied up to him, fluttering her long eyelashes at him.

Why was she looking at him like he was the only man left on earth? Why were my own children looking at him like that?
I tightened my fists.
"Raiven?" I said, struggling to keep my voice down.
She reluctantly pulled her eyes from Derek, her hand still on his chest.

I felt my anger bubbling up slowly.
"What are you doing? I thought you came to break up with this idiot,"
Raiven frowned "Excuse me? Why would I ever break up with him?"
She said. What?
"Uhm because you're mine?" I said through gritted teeth. Raiven looked at me like I'd grown an extra head or something.
"I'm sorry, Alpha, but I'm not yours. I'm Derek's,"

Every word felt like s bullet. After years and years of separation, we finally get a moment of happiness and she turns around and does this?
Derek looked smug as he pulled Raiven closer. "You heard it from her own mouth, Alpha." He mocked.
I growled lowly. "Derek..." I warned, feeling my eyes change colour.
Derek swallowed slightly but he stood his ground.
"I am going to kill you only using my teeth if you don't step away from her,"

Raiven looked genuinely horrified and clutched Derek. "Don't you dare come anywhere near him!"
I looked at her. Her eyes were hard and she looked like she meant it.
"Raiven, what's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into her is the fact that she realised her mistake of being with you," Derek smirked.
My teeth clenched so hard it was a wonder they didn't all just break right there.
"Why would she be with you, a guy she hardly even knows when she could be with me, the one who raised these beautiful children," he continued, patting one of the twins on the head.

I hated how right he was. I didn't even know Raiven's last name or anything about her. I didn't know my own children's names, which one was the oldest, their birthday. Nothing.
But I still needed to defend them. No matter how much of a change of heart Raiven had, I was not going to let her walk away with him.

I stared into Derek's smug eyes and Raiven's now uncaring eyes and I felt both and anger and jealousy rise up. Without warning I shifted right there.
One of the twins immediately burst into tears. I wanted to stop and hug him but first I needed to teach someone a lesson about trying to take my mate.

I obviously wanted to shake Raiven back to her senses but first I had to hurt Derek.
Nick came speeding in and took one look at Raiven and Derek and then looked at me, he groaned loudly.
"Just when I thought you guys were going to live happily ever after," he said snatching both the kids into his arms.

I wasn't even listening to him. My whole body was already pumping with anger and I edged towards Derek menacingly, baring my teeth furiously.
Derek gulped slightly but he still held on to Raiven who had a look of horror on her face and clutched onto Derek tightly.
"Honey, don't let him hurt me," she whimpered.

Honey? Honey?
Didn't we just kiss and declare our undying love for each other less than a half hour ago?!
Derek had to be behind this somehow.
I lowered myself down, my eyes fixated on Derek's neck.
I heard Nick leave the room hurriedly with the boys. Good thing too.

I could smell the fear coming off of Derek horribly. I gave him one last growl of warning before I leapt up, my paws extended to his throat and tackled him to the ground.
Raiven screamed and fell too. Even though she was acting like two faced player, I still looked back to make sure she was okay.
Once I was sure she was only shaken, I turned back and snapped at Derek as he struggled under me.

He tried to shift into his bear form but I head butted him in face which stopped him from shifting and left him with a bruise on his forehead. I chuckled to myself happily.
"A-alpha! I'm sorry -" he stammered.
I growled at him, inches away from his face.
"Don't apologise to him, baby, it's not your fault!" Raiven yelled.
I looked at her sharply and almost nearly swore. What on earth was she doing?

Derek took this opportunity to punch me in the jaw. I skidded across the wooden floor, feeling my jaw almost hang off it's hinges.
I shook my head and glared at Derek. I'm not gonna rest until he is seriously hurt.
He automatically changed into his bear form. He was this huge dark creature which should have looked intimidating but as an Alpha, I've seen worse creatures.

Raiven clapped her hands excitedly as she looked up at Derek. "Oh! You look like a big cuddly teddy bear! I wish I had my camera Der-bear!"

I almost threw up my breakfast when she said that. Not only was it the corniest thing ever but she called him Der-bear.
I might not have known her for a long time but I know her enough to know that she would never come out with soppy mess like this.

Derek roared at me or whatever it is that bears do. I snapped back at him and leapt up, my claws digging into his stomach. I pushed him down again and slapped him mightily across one cheek so that there were three clear lines of blood. He still tried to hit me back but I sunk my canines deep into his paw and blood gushed out. He let out another roar of pain and tried to push me off. I head butted him again for a good measure.

No-one messes with this Alpha's family.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hand picked me up and threw me clear across to another wall. I bashed into it, leaving a huge gaping hole. Immediately, I got up and shook my head clear again.
Looking down at me was Raiven's brother and next to him was another guy who looked kinda concerned.
Raiven's brother glared hard at me.
"Give it up, Alpha. This pack is going down, one way or another," he said, his eyes hard.

I snarled at him but he brought out large pure silver arrow in between his gloved fingers.
"Take another step and this goes straight into your little alpha heart," he spat.
I had no choice but to stay where I was, I had a feeling he was gonna go through with it. What kind of a jerk does this to his own sister's life?

Raiven was knelt beside Derek, probably nursing his wounds. I let out another growl.
Her brother stepped infront of me smugly "Now, now, alpha. She doesn't belong to you anymore. Not that she ever did," he said.
It took all I had in me to not snap his neck in two.

"You don't even know the first thing about her, or your own kids. Call yourself a leader? You can barely keep a family together never mind a pack," he spat.
I was so glad that wolves can't cry.

He gave a little scoff cos he knew just as well as I did that I wouldn't do anything. He turned around and walked back to Raiven. He grabbed her arm and pulled her up roughly.
I automatically growled but low.
He rolled his eyes and me and shoved his sister out the door. "Lets go," he ordered her.
Derek groaned, still in his bear form and limped behind them.

I watched Raiven be pulled away from me again. She didn't argue or fight back which was super weird. I tried to mind link her but it didn't go through like their was bad reception or something. I couldn't even feel our bond anymore. It's there but not as strong which pained me alot.

I let out a small whimper to catch her attention and she looked back over her shoulder and she walked. For a moment, I thought that I had her back, that she'd run into my arms again because of the way she was looking at me, like she realised who I was.

But she didn't.

I knew that Derek had done something to her because her eyes didn't light up like before. They were dull and lifeless like she was just an empty shell.
I watched her get pulled out, feeling absolutely pathetic and helpless.

But that's when I noticed that the guy who came in with Raiven's brother was there. He crept silently to me.
I stepped forward and let out my best growl, revealing my teeth.
He gulped and pushed his blond hair back. "Sorry, I know you've got no reason to trust me..." he said.
I pulled myself up to full height to let him know that I meant business.

" name's Jason, I'm - I'm an old friend of Ray's," he rushed, glancing back over his shoulder.
"Derek's put her under a love potion to crush you and your pack, Alpha. Don't let that get to you. But don't worry, the love potion is only temporary, but you're gonna have to make her fall in love with you for it to be officially broken," he said all in one go.

I blinked at him, wondering whether or not to trust him.
He shifted his weight from one foot to another. "Now, go to your boys and guard them with your life. If Kale, Derek or Zach get a hold of them, that's you and your pack destroyed. Go bond with them as much as you can but meet me tomorrow morning at 3pm in your garage and we'll save Ray, okay? Good. Bye."


I shifted back and got dressed in my office again. I still couldn't get my head around what that Jason kid said. A love potion?
Is Derek really that desperate?
I trailed all the way upstairs, wanting to just fall asleep until this whole thing blew over. I wanted Raiven, I wanted to be happy. but looks like it's either one or the other.

I pushed open my bedroom door to see a very stressed out Nick trying to get one of the twins to stop jumping on the bed. The other one was sat wailing on the bed, his sweet little face going bright red.
"Nick! What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

Nick looked like he wanted to cry. "Control them," he begged.
I walked over to the one jumping on the bed.
"Hey. You, sit," I ordered. His legs stopped bouncing abruptly and he sat down obediently and blinked up at me with those big blue eyes. He did kinda look like me, I'm not gonna lie.

I turned to the other one and pressed a finger to my lips. "Stop," I said and his mouth shut itself quickly even though tears still came down freely.
Nick tried to hold back his laugh.
"They're only kids, dude."

I glared at him. "What are their names?"
Nick pointed to the one that was jumping "That's Caden," then he pointed to the one that was crying. "and that's Corbin."
"Caden and Corbin, huh?" I said shoving my hands in my pockets to stop myself from hugging them.
I wasn't used to the whole daddy role.

It scared me how much they looked like me and I didn't notice this before.
I should have known she would've got pregnant. I knew I shouldn't have answered to that Alpha call the morning after. Why didn't I leave a note? Why would I have just assumed that she'd be there when I got back three months later?

I looked at the twins, hating myself for what I've put their mother through.
Caden rubbed his eye and looked up at Nick.
"I want mommy,"
Nick took him in his arms "Oh, Mommy will be back later, okay? You wanna play with daddy instead?" He said pointing to me.
Caden shook his head "Sleepy," he said.

Nick nodded and placed him under my covers.
Corbin was still looking at me intently, his mouth slightly open.
I moved to the right and his eyes followed, I moved to the left and he still followed.
Nick laughed. "You wanna sleep with Caden?" he asked.

Corbin shook his head.
"Alright, we'll go down to daddy's office with him, yeah?"
I swallowed, not being used to having kids run around me all the time.
Suddenly, Caden pushed his covers back "I wanna come!" he yelled and jumped down from the bed.

Nick got him and Corbin and placed each twin in my arms.
"Have fun, daddy!" he laughed and used his wolf speed to high tail it out of the room.
"Nick!" I yelled. Both twins placed their hands over their ears. "Very loud!" Caden laughed.

I didn't know wether to laugh or cry myself. In my arms I had two adorable boys of mine but I didn't know what to do with them.
Corbin looked like he was gonna start crying again "Mommy," he said pushing his bottom lip out.
"Uh..." I said uncertainly.

Caden looked at his brother then me. "I wanna eat," he said.
"My mommy!"
"Eat, eat, eat!"

They both started getting louder as to not be outdone by eachother.
I stood there helplessly for the second time. l let my own mate get took away from me again, I don't know how to look after my own kids,
Raiven's brother was right.

I could barely keep a family together, how was I managing a pack??

A/N : please find it in your lovely hearts to forgive me for the late update :( I've been really ill (I still am) and this chapter was written quite horribly, I hate myself for it. Wah.
Anyway, it got to #16 on werewolf and #23 on teen fiction so THANK YOU guys!! :D lots and lots love , peace and cupakes!!

Alpha's BabiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon