Chapter 13: The almost kiss

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"WHAT??!!!" I yelled.

Shawn rubbed his ears. "Damn! How loud can you get?!" He yelled glaring at me.

"Well sorry for being so loud but what I just heard was something I never thought or expected to hear." I said.

"It's the truth so just eat it up." He said and entered the house. I caught up to him.

"Do they know about this?" I asked.

"Bryson and Drew are supposed to tell them. Like I was supposed to tell you." He said.

"Why were you supposed to tell me? Why couldn't Bryson or Drew tell me?" I asked.

He just kept quiet. I was about to open my mouth when we heard a loud scream from inside. That was Lori!!

I ran in and pushed open the door to Lori's room only for me to see Drew and Lori sitting on her bed, making out.

Shawn came and stood beside me. I hid behind him trying to hide my red face. I felt him smirking. I just buried my face in his shoulder.

I heard Shawn cough. I looked up slightly to find both of them blushing.

"Melanie!" Lori said. I waved nervously.

"Hey there..."

"'s...It's not what you think!!" She stuttered.

Drew looked a bit hurt.

"No - No!! That's not how I meant to say it! I..I...ugh!!" She said and covered her red face.

I pulled at Shawn's shirt sleeve. He looked at me.

"Let's go. We should give them some privacy." I whispered. He nodded and we left towards the living room.

"I'm kinda scared to go find Alex. What if we find her and Bryson in the same position? And there are more chances for that since they're dating." I said shivering a bit at that thought.

"What if they find us in that position?" He asked. My eyes widened and when I looked up at him, his face was so close to mine that I could feel his cool breath on my lips.

He took a step ahead while I took a step back. This went on till my back touched the wall. He placed his arms on either side on my head and leaned in once again.

I looked up into his eyes only to find his eyes staring at my lips. My cheeks heated up even more.

He leaned in even more and I made no attempt to move back or tilt my head on the other side.

Why am I not pushing him back? Why am I not saying anything to him?

Because you want this too.

My conscience spoke. Do I want this too? My eyes trailed down to his lips. How would they feel on mine? I wanna know. Maybe I want this too. I leaned in too and I felt him tense up. I think he was shocked that I would make a move. I felt him slowly relax.

Our lips were just centimetres apart. I hope no one spoils this moment. I've seen such things happening in movies. The main characters our so close to kissing when someone comes barging in a ruins the scene. I don't want it to happen both of us. I really want to kiss him. I....I like him. Maybe even love him. I hope he feels the same.

Our lips brushed against each other slightly sending tingles all over my body.

A scene flashed through my mind and my eyes widened.

I saw the same person I saw before. My older version. The person I was before in my past life. But what surprised me was not that she was sitting on a man's lap and they were kissing softly.
But what really surprised me was that man had silver hair with light blue highlights and he looked like the older version if Shawn. Wait. Could it be that Shawn is the reincarnation of that man?

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