25. The day

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'WAKE UP' I heard someone jump on my feet and i pushed them

yelled and i jolted up

As I said


I ran into the bathroom to take a shower and i walked out shaved and my hair dried and saw cali holding makeup and wearing a peach dress

'Hurry' she said and i sat down as she done my make up

She done a smokey eye with glitter eye liner and some blusher and a nude lipstick

She curled my hair and they left elegant bouncy curls and she put on a few diamonds matching my diamond necklace

'GO CHANGE' she said giving me my dress and i put it on along with my heels and i looked at myslef in the mirror

Damn i looked sexy

Just them my door opened revealing my dad and joaqin and they were jaw dropped

'Wow' they both said and cali went with joaqin and i went with my dad and saw outside a limo

'Wow he outdone himself' i said and he laughed and we sat inside and we drove to the venue

'So how do you feel' he asked

'Scared happy nervous anxious' i asked

'I have a junior cade in my belly' i said and he laughed

'Don't worry you'll be ok' he said and i nodded as we pulled up and when i got out my palms got sweatier and the more my legs got shaky


Don't fuck this up

We headed down the aisle as I saw the gang watching me and i saw little brian in a tiny tux


But my baby is gonna be best friends with Brian

I got to the top as my dad sat down and the priest started speaking and i just admired my Papi

Damnnn papi

'Do you Eva ferrari take cade Reynolds as your beloved husband' he said

'I do' i said and i swear I probably had a weird smile

'Do you care Reynolds take Eva ferrari as your beloved wife' he said

'I do' he said

'You may- oh god' before the priest spoke cade smashed his lips onto mine and everyone cheered and i even saw brian smiling

This is officially the best day of my life

We walked down and got into cades car and we couldn't stop smilling

'I finally have you' he said

'So do i' i said and kissed him

We finally have each other.....

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