14. scaring the guys

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Sorry took so long to post i was on a plane i just landed, back to the story

We just talked and we were still sitting in the picnic area

'Hey so let's play 20 questions' he asked and Sat down on the floor and looked at the sky add i done the same

'Ok you go' i said

'You a virgin' he asked

Wow that went 0 to 100 quick

'No' i said

'Are you ticklish' i asked

'Um no' he said

'Oh really' i said and started tickling him but he flipped me over and started tickling me .

'AYO STOP IMA MURDER YOU' i yelled and he stopped and laughed

'Ok back to the question you been skinny dipping' he asked

'I went by myself' i said

'Maybe you could go with me' he said

'You wish' i said brushing my lips against his

'Do not tease' he said and i laughed

'Ok how old were you when you had your first kiss' i asked

'I dont remember how about you' he said

'I had it when I was 15' i said

'Have you ever snuck into a movie theater' he asked

'Many times' i said.

'Wanna go' he said

'Don't get caught' i said

'How about if we both sneak into different movie theaters like it's a competition' he said

'Keep your phone on' i said and he pulled out his phone

'Hey let's go to odeon there's a movie going on and there's only 4 people' he said and i nodded and we walked and he intertwined our hands and i blushed but lucky it's night so he didn't see and we got in his car and he drove to odeon

When we walked in there was a HUGE line and there was a guy looking at the tickets and then the toilets in the back

'Hey just ask that guy if we can use the toilets you go first and then about 5 minutes later I'll go' i sad and he nodded and walked to the gym and he let him in and i waited about 5 to 10 minutes before going up to him

'Hey i was wondering can i go to the toilet' i said

'Yeah they are right there' he said and let me in and i walked in and washed my hands and got out only to be pulled by cade

'Come on let's go' he said and pulled me onto theater number 4 amd when we go there we saw

'Oh my god that's axel, lars, joaqin and cali' i said and cade pulled me through the side so they couldn't see us going to the back

'Ok now make creepy noises or scream' cade said and i made a loud thump noise and lars screamed

'Shush' cali said

'It's a scary movie I'm freaking out' he said and i mentally laughed

Just then i screamed

'Ok that was a person' cali yelled

'SURPRISE' cade yelled and they all screamed

'Did you guys sneak in here' joaqin asked

'Yep' i said and sat behind them and they turned around

Maybe cade isn't bad after all

Oh who am I kidding he trusts me enough to tell me about his sister.....

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