Chapter 31

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It took over an hour for Leo and Angel to get to Alpha Bryson's camp after they left the cabin. They were both equally curious to hear why they had been summoned and why Alpha Murphy would also be there.

When they arrived, they were shown to the main tent where they found the two Alphas deep in conversation. The moment they entered, both Alphas stopped talking and turned to smile at them both.

"Welcome. Please, take a seat and have a drink," Bryson invited them into the tent, gesturing for them to take a seat on the plush cushions on the floor.

"Thank you. We wanted to let you know that the recovery is going well, so far," Leo smiled as he and Angel sat down.

Angel was still uncomfortable speaking to anyone but his mate, because his speech was so stuttered and disjointed. He had asked Leo to speak for them both, at least for their visit.

"Good. We're pleased to hear it," Bryson was relieved, even if the strength of his Dubrinsky blood would counter the usual length of recovery that humans would suffer. "We have some news for you, Alpha. During the fight at the compound we captured two prisoners for interrogation. I can reassure you, that they proved useful and are no longer with us," he smiled, venturing into the subject delicately.

"I'm very happy to hear that," Leo replied, with a smile of his own.

"The organization, as you believed, were nothing more than the delusions of one man and a few fake followers, who didn't want to conform to human laws," he explained that Leo's supposition was true. Rios was the beginning and end of the organization hunting mythical creatures. No one knew or believed that he had been investigating their existence, outside of his own people and no one ever would. "They confessed everything and provided proof before their demise, that the organization was destroyed with the deaths of the two leaders, Roy Klein and Brandon Rios, that you informed us about," he poured a herbal drink for them all and handed a cup to Leo and another to Angel, who nodded to him silently in thanks.

"All stragglers and escapees were hunted down and killed. Not one human escaped, to pose a risk to the humans with their criminal behavior," Murphy continued, smiling happily as he gave the news.

Angel was so relieved to hear it that all his fear seemed to melt away. He knew it would never be completely gone. But knowing that the people who had captured and tortured him were dealt with and gone from the world lightened his heart considerably.

Thank them for me. He asked of his mate.

Leo was his voice in these matters, while he was still unsure of himself in front of other shifters. But his mate didn't mind; he appreciated being needed and having his true mate trust him so much that he would ask.

"Angel is relieved you have managed to save both our own people and the humans," Leo explained, watching as both Alpha's nodded and gave his true mate a reassuring smile. Neither of them seemed to care that they were conversing privately, along their own bond link.

"We are pooling our resources together and we offer you two of our men, Alpha, to accompany you home, when you wish to leave," Murphy continued.

Please, I'm not the Alpha. I don't want to be. Milo is my Alpha now...all I want is to spend my life with you. Angel objected to the way that both Alpha's were treating him like an equal. He wasn't an Alpha; he never had been. And he didn't much want to be.

"Angel has asked me to inform you of his decision. He no longer wishes to be Alpha and will officially denounce his title when we return home. My Alpha, Milo Belesone will run the pack in his stead," Leo gave the 'official' version of what Angel had said, refusing to let anyone know about their strong true mate bond. Or that it was something they sank into naturally now, even after the past few weeks. Whether Angel was strong or weak, they would always use their private communication line.

"We understand," Bryson smiled as he spoke, reaching out to lay his hand on a close-to protesting Alpha Murphy.

Leo smiled back and nodded his gratitude.

"Might I suggest that you leave soon?" Bryson asked, bluntly. "There are rumors circulating already amongst the humans about the deaths of the two leaders. They say that Angel has tired of his captivity and broke free to kill his captors, killing everyone he comes across. The rumors say that he is a dangerous wolf, with a taste for blood, on the loose among humans," Bryson revealed the shocking news.


Murphy frowned at Bryson.

Leo understood why, because he knew how upset his mate was, as he instinctively reached out and took Angel's hand in his own.

"Not all humans believe them, of course. Your friends, Frenkin, Donkor and Aidan have been doing a very successful job of squashing the rumors when they encounter them," Murphy apologized for Bryson.

Leo smiled, as he felt Angel appreciating the comfort Murphy had given them.

"Bryson and myself are considering bringing them into our world and revealing ourselves to them. They have obviously discovered your secret and kept quiet about it. We believe they can be trusted," Murphy confessed, with a twinkle in his eye.

"They can," Leo confirmed his realization with glee. He was pleased beyond words to hear that the good friends he'd made at the tavern had continued to be loyal to him, even after his departure from them. And it seemed they also knew his real heritage and purpose.

"However, it's only time before someone ventures into the forest to see for themselves," Bryson sighed and refused to let Murphy put a jolly face on everything. "Hunters will soon begin prowling the land, searching for evidence of your existence. Some will want to aide you, some will want to capture you," he reminded them.

I've put everyone at risk. Angel gasped inside his head.

Leo instinctively tightened his grip on his hand. He didn't want his mate worrying that he was responsible for anything. He was innocent in the whole mess and he wasn't sure how else to say such a thing.

No. Our people have survived for many years; they will continue to survive. Leo reassured him strongly. We have fought off hunters before, over the years and we will continue overpowering them and surviving long after they die out. He was adamant about that.

I love you. Angel confessed, a heartfelt warmth filling his mental voice.

I know. I love you too, but you have nothing to feel guilty about. You have done nothing wrong. Leo's voice was softer and full of love and affection as he responded to the sentiment. He wanted Angel to agree that he was entirely innocent of any wrongdoing, when it came to both the shifter community and the humans. Then we are agreed? He asked, pretty sure that they were.

I think so. We leave now, earlier than planned. Bryson and Murphy can effectively destroy the hunters and their attempts to discover us. We won't be in the way or need to be protected. Angel could only agree with Leo; they were best to do something that would restore the balance between shifter and human.

Leo nodded and gave his hand a squeeze with a gentle smile. "Angel and I have agreed that we will leave. As soon as we can get a flight booked, then we will leave," he explained the plan that seemed to naturally ebb between them. If they were heading home, they were going to do so quickly and sensibly, making sure that they were safe right the way home, until they were with Milo. Only once they were within their own pack territory, with their Alpha nearby, would they relax and believe themselves truly safe.

Angel, sadly, now knew how dangerous both shifters and humans could be. Neither of them were going to believe themselves safe from the cruelty of the world until locked away in their own pack.

"Very well. We will send our men with you to the airport, to ensure your safety," Bryson raised his cup to them in salute for the tough, but vital decision they had made together.

It wouldn't be easy to leave, when Angel wasn't yet fully recovered. But it was important to their safety and they understood that. Now they could all sit back and enjoy a relaxing night, without the stress of the conversation bearing down on them.

"Thank you. We owe you everything, both of you," Leo confessed, wanting them both to know that he and Angel owed them a debt for their assistance. Without the extra shifters from Bryson's pack, they would never have escaped the compound alive. And without the company of Murphy and Bryson's men on their journey to the airport, they might not even make it home. Now they didn't have that worry.

The Beta and His Angel (The Belesone Pack #3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora