Chapter 38

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The day was long and hard and it had taken their toll on them all. But Leo was even more determined to set off on his quest because of what he had learned from Constantine.

Katarina gave him a few shakes for the start of his travels.

Leo now knew that Angel was no longer in the country, thanks to Constantine and Carlton's recollections. He was believed to be in the mountain area of Romania, so he would start his search there.

He had his plane ticket booked and had money to buy a rental car and hotel rooms. He wanted to use as little energy in tracking Angel as possible. He would need it all for confronting his mate's kidnappers and torturers. For the return journey, they could take their time.

Milo said goodbye to his Beta in the confines of his suite, making sure that he was suitably packed and that the bag wasn't too heavy for his wolf to carry. When he transformed, if he didn't have time to hide his belongings, his wolf could carry the backpack in his mouth with the strap.

"I'll miss you, Leo. You're my best friend and I can't imagine being without you for any length of time. You must stay in touch," the Alpha pleaded with him, holding his shoulders and refusing to let go until he had his word.

"I will," Leo promised with a smile. They hugged tightly and said a silent goodbye.

Leo picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder.

They made their way downstairs and he shared a similar exchange with Katarina. Thank you for getting your father to help. With the dream walks, I should be able to find him sooner rather than later, he thanked her.

Just don't believe what my grandfather says, Katarina advised, with a sincerity that made him smile. I love him and I know he believes what he's saying, but he's wrong. Angel is alive. And you must find him. I'll help any way I can, she promised, warning him not to lose heart.

The Elders were wise and knew more than anyone else did, but that didn't make them incapable of making mistakes. Believing that Angel was gone was a definite mistake.

Leo smiled at that reassurance. He was grateful that Katarina and Milo trusted his gut instincts; Angel was alive and waiting for him. He had to rescue him. He wasn't sure his sanity would hold out any longer, without his mate by his side.

Katarina hugged him and Leo felt his emotions rising to the occasion. He was sad to be leaving his home, his pack, his Alpha and his friends. But he was also very hopeful and excited about going on his quest to find his mate. Angel needed him and he felt it in every fibre of his body. It was an overwhelming, incredible feeling and he used it to give him strength.

I know. And I promise, if I get stuck, I'll ask for help, He swore that he wouldn't try to do it all alone. Angel was his top priority now, so he would do whatever he could to save him. Will you let me know when you have any visions?

Yes. And you'll share your dream walks with me. I can help decipher them, if nothing else, She offered all the help she could and he nodded his agreement.

It was time to go. He had to take the train from the center of town into a bigger city an hour away, to get a taxi to the airport from there. He should arrive in Romania the next day or early the one after. Either way, his quest was under way and he was desperate to get on the hunt for his mate.

Leo said goodbye to Yosi and the Elders; he said goodbye to Grene and Carlton and when he was all through with his parting words, he stepped out the open front door and sighed.

This was it. This was the start of a whole new life. Milo and Katarina were mated and united; he didn't have to worry about his Alpha any more. The Elders were there to give him guidance. He had a replacement Beta to be his right hand man for a while.

This was his time to focus and do something for himself. This was his chance to be happy and find love. To find his mate. Angel. The man he was destined to love.

The End of Book 2

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