Chapter 33

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The Elders arrived in force, at six o'clock that evening, just as Constantine promised.

Nathaniel and Cletus had been punished. Cletus was to be subjected to ten lashes by Carlton, to be administered before those of his previous pack, who he had once betrayed.

Marlan had been invited back to the house with Milo, after the initial fight, and had everything explained to him from the beginning. He had been informed of why his father and grandfather were being punished. His father, for repenting his sins and turning himself in, would continue to live with Marlan at home. The boy had taken the news well, but at sixteen, he was still frightened by the truth.

Leo had been woken and talked with Milo about someone taking over his job as Beta to the pack. He had agreed to have the dream walks transferred from Katarina's mind to his own. It would help him in his search for Angel and it would certainly prove useful in continuing to strengthen their mental bond.

Katarina started taking her strengthening shakes as soon as they were made. Bricia and Josanna, were refusing to leave their guest rooms in the house, in case they were given any more tasks. Katarina had worked them so hard their feet were aching and their hands were raw with an intensity of work they had never known before.

They had prepared the house for the Elders, so they could stay and celebrate the Alpha's birthday. She had them washing floors and surfaces, cleaning all six guest rooms and washing all the windows. It was hard work, but unlike Katarina, who thrived on the activity, the girls hated her for driving them so hard.

"Carlton! So you beat us to it, did you?" Constantine laughed, as he walked in the front door and noticed Carlton standing to the side with Grene.

To everyone's surprise, Carlton smiled and met the Elder halfway until they hugged.

Katarina turned to look at Milo, curious and surprised to see that the two knew each other. The Elders were a ruling body of the local packs, not those at such a great distance as Carlton's pack. They had their own group of local Elders to oversee their Alpha's.

"Yes. Just by a little. But I am glad to say that we have cleared up the worst of the chaos. All that is left now is for the Beta to take a trip," Carlton replied, pulling back from the hug and holding Constantine at arms length.

They surveyed each other as if checking each others health and nodded, pleased to see that all was well. Constantine introduced Carlton to the other Elders and congratulated Oswine on his new improved health. He greeted Katarina with a welcome hug and grasped Milo by the shoulders.

You're dead now, Alpha. You defiled his little girl, Leo joked lightly inside his head.

Milo reached out and whacked him in the arm for that comment, though he knew he had a point. He waited nervously, as the Elder appraised him and let a small smile spread onto his lips.

"I am very pleased to see you faring so well. Our Kate can be quite something to cope with, but don't let her scare you off," Constantine winked at Milo with the encouragement and hugged him.

Milo was so stunned that he just glanced at Katarina, who was giggling to herself happily. Surely this kind of thing wasn't normal. There must have been something odd about the whole Torlov line. They were all a bit fruity for him to handle. Katarina was the most normal of the lot and that was saying something, since she was an Oracle plagued with visions and abilities beyond that of usual shifters.

"Now...Leo, I hear you have a quest to be getting on with? Will you be staying to celebrate the Alpha's birthday or do we have to say goodbye to you now?" Constantine wondered, suddenly turning to face the Beta as he asked his questions.

Leo flushed and glanced at Milo with an apologetic smile. "I will leave as soon as I can, Elder. I'm afraid I'll miss Milo's birthday celebrations," he apologised, watching as Katarina smiled and wrapped her hand around his upper arm.

"Then, may I have a quick word?" he asked.

Leo nodded and Constantine turned to the other Elders.

"Brothers, let us retreat to our rooms and settle in. I will have a quick word with the Beta about his quest and we shall reconvene in one hour to talk with the Alpha," he explained himself and all the Elders agreed.

Katarina smiled and stepped forward, offering to show each Elder to their guest room. They would be spending the next five days with them, so Milo and Grene stepped forward to help with the luggage.

Carlton was going to fetch the girls for a late snack and a house meeting that would take place once Constantine had his private chat with Leo.

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