Chapter 12

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"C'mon Andy! Wake up!! What the hell is wrong with you! Damn it Andy wake up!" I clapped my hand at her cheek, jolted her body to wake her up but she was like dead or something. She lay on the bed pale faced and a little distorted.

I'd been looking for her all over the place. Last time I saw her she was going up stairs with some guy. Wish I'd just seen his face, I'd have find him even from the core of the earth and beat the shit outa him for doing this to Andy. I don't exactly know what he did to her but she was drained and unconscious and the worst of all... she was wearing the guy's shirt!

"Andy babe, wake up for my sake!" I was pleading in thin air. She wasn't listening to me. She didn't even know I was about to cry 'cause if something happened to her, I'd never forgive myself!

If she's like this it's only because of me. I brought her here and then I was with Veronica. She'd got me so hooked up; I forgot about Andy that she's with some other guy. Jake got me involved in a poker game and I lost track of time until I looked at the dial of my watch which showed that it was quarter past four in the morning.

In the morning! It was so darn late. I didn't sleep all night but partied around, forgetting about the girl I brought with me!

I looked for Andy and finally I found her dumped on the bed in the room, wearing a guy's shirt.

I just don't know what to do! How to wake her up? My hands were shaking of nervousness and I was sweating. She's gotta be okay 'cause today's our engagement ceremony!

I quickly got up, went to the bathroom and spotted a glass there. I filled it with water and came back to Andy. I sprayed a little on her face with my fingers, not knowing why exactly I was doing this 'cause she doesn't seem to respond to anything!

I brought the glass to her lips and let her drink a little then again I sprayed the water on her face. She moved her face a little, like she flinched. "Andy, wake up. C'mon, open your eyes babe. Please!" I pleaded again, jolting her a little.

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking them a thousand times to adjust her vision. "Austin?" she mumbled.

A relief washed through me. I pulled her to me, hugging her tightly. "Damn Andy! You freaked the shit outa me!"

"Where am I? What happened?"

I pulled her back. "We're still at Jake's house." I brushed my finger at her forehead, removing the hairs that came in front of her eyes. "And you tell me what happened!?"

"I don't know..." she said in a low lazy voice.

"Were you drunk? Did that guy did anything to you? Do you know his name?" I know I was being a jerk but I can't control myself. Anything could've happened to her!

She shook her head in no, shutting her eyes tightly trying to remember. "I-I don't know.. I don't remember!" she reached for her head, "My head... Urgh it's hurting. I think I'm gonna throw up..."

I held her close to me tightly. She looked sick. "Nothing's gonna happened. I'm just gonna take you home." I helped her up but she was so drained I had to lift her in my arms. I carried her down to my car and helped her in on the passenger seat, buckling her seat belt.

As we got on the road, I sensed she's not going to make it till the ceremony. She often mumbled that her head is spinning. Damn! What should I do!?

I called Collie. Maybe she'd help. At first she didn't picked up her phone. She might be sleeping. But I need her now. I called her again. Finally she answered sleepily.

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