Chapter 27 "Idea"

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The next day

Since last night's announcements my mind is clouded with questions, I need answers to before I lose my sanity. So here I am patiently waiting for Leo to arrive into his office where he mostly spends much of his time. The door creaks open revealing the man I've been waiting for. As soon as his chocolate brown eyes land on mine. He raises a brow surprised to see me here.

"We need to talk," I bluntly say.

"I'm surprised you're in here. To be honest it makes my mind erupt with dirty ideas that we can both do," Leo flirtatiously says closing the door behind him.

"Why did you say to your gang we're engaged when we're not Leo?," I ask ignoring his comment.

"Because we are," Leo crosses his arms across his chest looking at me strictly.

"Since when? I don't recall you ever proposing to me. In matter of fact we weren't even a couple to begin with," I grumble.

"Who's fault was that?," he rolls his eyes.

"I'm still standing firm by my decision," I raise a brow standing up from the chair.

"Boss, they know you're an engaged man now, so the stock is going to be available as soon as you're married," Rios utters bursting through the door. Rios's emerald green eyes glances between Leo and I looking a bit uncomfortable.

"So yesterday was all due to an interest?," I scowl clenching my fists. Here I am thinking that maybe just maybe Leo's sudden action was something genuine from his part, but of course, yet again I think too high. At least now I finally got my answer.

"Good. Now leave us alone," Leo demands. Rios does as he is told probably thanking the higher power for his sake. I'm currently throwing the most hateful glare towards Leo. I know I made my decision a month ago and stand firm by it today, but this is really making my heart ache and I don't quite know why.

"You never fail to amaze me. Find yourself another women because I'm not marrying you," I scold turning my heel around walking towards the door.

"If you would of gave us a chance the I would of done shit right," Leo grumbles grabbing my arm fully stopping me from proceeding.

"Let go off me," I angrily say.


"I still wouldn't marry you Leo. This marriage is all just for an interest. Marriage is commitment, love, and respect," I take the time to explain the true meaning of marriage, which I mentally scold myself for wasting my time.

"You're so fucking difficult," Leo huffs.

"Why me? You can just marry someone else for this damn interest. Just leave me alone. I have enough shit going on for myself," I sigh. All I want to do is focus on myself and the innocent life growing inside of me. Since accepting my pregnancy. I've been planning on ways to get out of this gang and far away from Leo as possible.

"You're carrying my child it's only right," Leo mutters.

"I'm calling this bullshit engagement off. I'm not marrying you. I'm perfectly fine with my status," I swat Leo's grasp on my arm.

"You always make me become this I swear," he murmurs.


"You have no choice. We're going to get married in a week period," Leo sternly says.

"No," I protest against it.

"I'm aware you have no health insurance, so how would this baby get the best care? Without my last name this baby won't have any health benefits nor shit in matter of fact," Leo spat angrily. My gaze drops as well as my heart. As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. I have nothing to offer my baby that's on the way. I'm such a failure. This innocent baby doesn't deserve me as a mom. I don't even have enough money to runaway.

"I'll get a job. A legal job," I mumble.

"Just stop it already Madison. I can snatch this baby away from you in a second as soon as it's born taking full custody legally don't forget I have the most power lawyers in the state as for you. You can't even afford a shitty lawyer," Leo grumbles. How can he be this cruel? Damn, who am I kidding? He's a murderer what can I expect from someone like him. I wouldn't be surprised if he would consider killing me and dumping my body to lions just to keep my child and get rid of me completely.

I can feel the lump that's currently stuck in the back of my throat threatening to splutter in any second. My vision blurs instantly as I feel anger and frustration take over my entire being. Why must everything be taken away from me? Now life is threatening to take my baby.

"I hate you. How dare you threaten of taking this baby away from its mother? You've taken my freedom away and now you want to take my child too," I sniffle tears sliding down my cheeks. Leo's angry face falters, a regretful expression appearing on his face right after.


"You truly are a monster," I scold turning around busting out of the door letting it slam from behind me. I sprint upstairs into my room dropping to my knees. Sobbing, I cradle my stomach protectively.

"I'm so sorry," I murmur looking down at my stomach where my baby is.

I will not allow it.

Not my baby.

This baby is mine.

And just like that an idea lights up inside my head like a light bulb. The idea that will ensure my baby and I's future for the better. It sounds crazy, but I must do it for my little one. It's not about me anymore. Everything I do from here and out must be for my child. So if this idea is what's going to take the both of us out of this place and far away from everything, then so be it.

"My plan starts now."

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