chapter 25: a baby?

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*unedited so may contain grammar mistakes*

"Liam there's a baby in the house and I don't remember giving birth" I said, holding the thing up in front of him.

He blinked a few times, collecting in the information I just dropped on him. "Maybe I should have stayed in the office for another week" he mumbled.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Liaaam" I cried "this is serious"

He chuckled but regained his posture. "Adeline you couldn't have possibly given birth to an 8 month old"

I sighed in relief. The last time I remembered, Liam and I have been married for only a 2 months and the kiss which happened over a week ago couldn't possibly make me pregnant- like I had thought for 15 years of my life until Adrian had to break it down to me. I was mortified.

Never mind that- I have more serious issues like waking up in the morning to find my husband home- whom I haven't seen for over a week because he's been at work 24/7 and a random baby in my living room.

As I panic over what to do with this child, Liam causally walks past me while eating cereal in milk out of the plastic bag.

"Liam help" I pleaded, following after him. The thing crawled behind me and I quickly grabbed Liam's arm.

Liam sighed. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well I woke up, came down and saw you. Almost shit my pants and ran into living room to find your momholdingababyandthenleaving-holy shit you have a little brother?" I exclaimed after an hour of remembering.

Liam deadass looked me in the eye. "My mom is 49 Adeline"

I furrowed my eyebrows together "hey, you heard about that 60 year old who had twin-"

"Shut up" he grunted, cutting me off "You might wanna call my mom"

I took his advice and furiously dialed her number. I made sure to keep an eye on the thing from disappearing while Liam watched TV like this ain't got nothing to do with him.

If that kid turns out to be my kid, it's his too.

"Hey my love!" Julie chirped, the moment the line connected.

"Hey" I said.

"What's up love?"

"Where are you?" I asked.


"Did you uh, forget something?" I asked again, pressing my lips together  "something small, and uh-human like?"

There was a moment of silence. "No.." She uttered "oh my handbag? How silly of me"

Since when was a handbag human Like?

I took a deep breath. This lady forgets a random child in my house and she wants to be a grandma? She can say bye bye to her future grandchildren for another 50 years.

"The baby Julie, the baby!"I hissed.

"Oh crap!" She blurted "Andrew"

Well looks like the thing has a name.

I laugh sarcastically. "Yes Andrew"

"I'm sorry. Andrew is Liam's cousins son. I was supposed to be babysitting but uh- my mind has been on something important" she uttered.

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