Chapter 6: SM Pt. 4

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Sean’s POV: (Past)

Naval Academy Year Two

It’s been a year here at the Naval Academy and I’m liking it. Joffrey is a pussy hound but if he wasn’t it would take away from his charm. After the first six months of me not dating he took it upon himself to find me a girl. After me tanking on the fourth date he sat me down in our room.

                “Okay man, be honest with me. Are you fucking up on purpose or it is you bat for the other team?” He asked looking me in the eye. It was true I was into dudes but I hadn’t taken on that label yet. I sat there quiet for a few more minutes then stood.

                “I don’t know. In high school I liked girls then something happened and now I’m not too sure.” I said trying to explain without giving too much away. Joffrey sat there frowning then his face went from confused to concerned.

                “Oh my God, did a gang of girls tie you up and force themselves on you against your will? Is that why you’re kind of stiff around them? I mean I would totally understand. It’s one thing to get it on with a gang of girls but something totally different to be raped by them.” He said. I stood there staring at Joffrey like he’d gone crazy. Gang of girls forced me to have sex?

                “Where did you come up with that?” I asked. Shrugging Joffrey stood and grinned.

                “I thought maybe if I came up with a farfetched idea you might stop being so secretive. I mean dude I told you about my extra nipples.” He said. I had to turn away from him then. I remembered that day well. The a/c unit had broken down and we all were suffering the heat. I lay in bed trying to stay cool nearly naked when I noticed Joffrey still had on a t-shirt. I made mention of it and in an instant he turned pink. Seeing this I sat up and kept poking and prodding until he revealed to me his deep dark secret.

                “Fine, geez!” Looking around Joffrey huddle closer to me then looked around again. I looked around as well confused as to why he was looking around. I mean we were in our room alone. Who was he looking for?

                “You can never tell anyone this. It’s so embarrassing to say so I’ll just show you.” He said slowly lifting his shirt. I stood there staring at his chest for a full minute before looking to his face. He’d closed his eyes and turned his head away like I was going to start laughing or something.

                “So what am I looking at?” I asked. Peeking through a cracked eyelid he glared at me.

                “This isn’t funny, this shit is serious. I’m a fucking freak man!” He hissed. Looking back to his chest I raised my brows. Freak?

                “You’re a freak because you have two moles on your chest?” I asked not sure what he meant. Yanking down his shirt Joffrey stalked away from then then turned.

                “You think your funny don’t you? This is a sensitive subject for me and you’re treating it like a joke!” He yelled. I was taking back at how intense he’d suddenly gotten.

                “I’m not joking. I’m confused as hell. Why are your moles a sensitive subject? I have moles too, look.” I said pointing to the dark pin sized circles on my stomach. Shaking his head Joffrey snorted.

                “There not moles, their nipples!” He yelled.


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