Chapter 42: SD

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Sean's POV:

My skin felt like it was being burned with acid. The force of the blast knocked the shit out of me. I'd never felt so much physical pain in my life. Why in the hell did I become a Marine?

            'Because you love your country.' My conscience said. Well... that is true. I love my country with my whole heart and would do anything I could to protect it.

            'That's what you told your parents when you told them you wanted to join the Corps.' My conscience chuckled. I was only fourteen when I made up my mind. I didn't see any other career option for me. I wanted to be a Marine. I wanted to fight for my family and friends. I wanted to make a difference in the world. It's the reason why I worked so hard. Why I challenged myself the way I did. I wanted this...well maybe not the burning pain searing into my chest. This I could do without but as of right now I couldn't do anything about that.

As I lay there it was becoming harder and harder to breathe. It felt like liquid was building in my lungs and someone was pressing down hard on my chest. The burning sensation increased a bit but then it suddenly stopped.

            'Thank God...' I thought relishing in the disappearance of pain. Just as sudden the pain disappeared it reappeared with a vengeance. It felt like the pain was radiating through my bones.

            "SEAN! YOU NEED TO HOLD ON OKAY! I NEED YOU TO STAY WITH ME!" Someone screamed. I looked around to see who it was but no one was around... except for me and my conscience.

            'What is going on?' I asked my conscience. He gave me a thoughtful smile then reached out to take my hand.

            'You do you remember what happened, don't you?' He asked. Nodding I thought back to the blast. I thought about Hamptons last words to me and the promise I made. I remembered finding Troy and the the grenade… after that everything was a bit fuzzy.

            'You were shot Sean.' My conscience said. The burning sensation from before literally brought me to my knees. I looked down at my chest to see blood oozing from the open wound. I could feel panic welling up inside me as I looked to my conscience.

            'What do I do?' I asked. Shaking his head his hand tightened on mine.

            'There is nothing you can do but try to hang on. Their doing all they can to save you.' He said. 

            'What if I apply pressure? Do you think that'll help?' I asked trying to calm down. I waited for my conscience to respond but when I looked up he wasn't there. I knelt there alone trying to apply pressure to my chest when I heard the voice again telling me to hold on.

            'I'M TRYING!' I yelled back. I was getting dizzy from the lack of blood. I need to sit before I toppled over. Before I could blink I was on the ground. I didn't have the strength to hold my arms up to my chest more. I was getting sleepy. The more I tried to keep my eyes open the heavier they became.

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