X. Moons

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Word Count: 1,308

Looking down from the Heaven's, Mani frowned in confusion as he watched a Werewolf ceremony with interest. He didn't fully understand Werewolves or Lycan's, for they were Artemis' children, her creations. He was just pulling strings in the hope of cheering her up. Ever since the slaughter of so many of her children, especially the ones she'd paired together, she stopped allowing the gift to be given to her children. She even refused to grant wishes, even for a female she-wolf who was baron and wished for a child of her own. The Goddess refused.

It broke Mani's heart to see his beloved like this, but there wasn't much that could change her mind. Anything to cheer her up and forgive the mistakes her children made but the Goddess was stubborn. That's why Mani was going to descend from the Heaven's, to attend the ceremony that was being performed. He prayed that the end result wouldn't be disastrous but that would be something he'd find out after he did this.

"Forgive me, my love," Mani whispered before descending from the Heavens.

Mani had been on Terra twice, this was the third time he'd stepped foot here. The green grass felt like damp silks to him, making him smile in delight at, his toes wriggling in delight. As Mani ascended the large mountain, the closer he got to the top, the sooner the grass was replaced with snow. With each step, the snow seemed to grow thicker. Grinning the God walked along the tree-line, his eyes full of fascination as he watched the ceremony from afar. If he remembered properly he was at the Montis Pack up in the mountains.

"Hear us Moon Goddess!" the Priestess screamed to the Moon, her arms waving to the Heaven's, the fire lighting up her features. Snow white hair and blue eyes, common traits in the mountains.

At first Mani was confused, he watched as a woman handed the Priestess a bundle of blankets. It wasn't until the blankets were removed that Mani realised the woman had handed the Priestess a baby. Despite the cold winds the baby didn't make a sound, instead its small hands reached for the sky, trying to touch the the stars and the moon. Standing in the tree-line the God did't notice the cold, it was one of the many perks of being a God, weather didn't affect him.

"Hear us Moon Goddess, accept this child-"

Rolling his eyes Mani knew that Artemis wouldn't be listening. She no longer listened to the prayers from her children, it pained her too much. Walking towards the fire Mani focused on the child, the one who didn't mind the cold but kept reaching towards the sky.

"Stop praying for the Moon Goddess, she won't answer you," Mani spoke, his voice calm but stern.

"Who are you?" a male demanded, probably the Alpha. His hair white like the snow with eyes as dark as the night sky.

"Calm yourself, I'm Mani, God of the Moon. Artemis is still grieving, she won't answer anyone's prayers," he spoke, his voice, though it was calm and soothing it was loud and commanding.

The Alpha seemed shocked, as did the woman and the Priestess. Approaching the Priestess, Mani looked at the baby, a boy. Taking the baby from the Priestess Mani couldn't help but smile at the small thing with large blue eyes. The same blue eyes that could rival Artemis'.

"From today, you will be blessed with by the Moons, destined to find the one who will be your other half. Who will be your Mate in life," Mani spoke, pressing his thumb to the baby's forehead.

As Mani removed his thumb a dull glow emitted from the symbol on the child's head. The symbol that was shaped like a crescent moon, the other part of the moon would be on his other half's forehead. A baby girl in a small pack in the woods, would have the same crescent moon glowing on her forehead. Of course the symbol would disappear in a matter of minutes but Mani just smiled at the small child in his arms. Handing the child back to the woman Mani smiled gently before walking towards a large patch of moon light.

"What did you do to him?" the woman asked as she looked at the crescent moon on the child's forehead. Her golden hair blowing in the breeze.

"He has the gift, he will find his Mate one day," Mani answered.

Almost as a second thought, before the moonlight could pull him back into the Heaven's he smiled asking, "What's his name?"

"River," the Alpha spoke, wrapping his arm around the woman.

The God smiled as he allowed himself to disappear using the moonlight to take him home to the Heaven's.

Artemis never knew about the two Werewolves that Mani had paired together. She didn't seem interested in her children anymore. Each day Mani watched with interest as the two Werewolves grew up, amazed at how they could change from human to wolves in a matter of minutes. Mani checked on them, the way a concerned parent would, he understood now why Artemis cared so much for her creations. Why it'd hurt so much to lose so many of her children.

Mani didn't think he'd ever be apart of their lives again, only to pair them when they were babies. But now, as they stood before the Elders, being accused of numerous things he took in a deep breath, unable to fathom why the Elder's wouldn't listen to them. The facts were right in front of them. Groaning the God stood up, within a second he was no longer in the Heaven's but in the Elder's cavern.

"That's impossible! The Moon Goddess said no one could have Mate's ever again!" Elder Kali spoke, her personality as fiery as her hair.

"That is because I made them Mates," Mani spoke, his voice calm and demanding. He respected the Elder's but he hated the way they acted half the time.

"Mani," the Elder breathed, her white eyes wide with shock.

"I made these two Mates, years ago. During a Moon Ceremony," Mani spoke.

"Then the Moon Goddess is allowing Mate's again?" another Elder spoke.

"No, I made these two Mates without the Goddess' permission. I made them Mate's in hopes of cheering my love up. Unfortunately, she won't look at any of her children without remembering the time when she lost so many of her children," Mani spoke, his eyes lingering on the male, the one that he had blessed. River, if he remembered correctly.

"Why?" another Elder asked.

"Why what?" Mani asked.

"Why make these two Mates? Aren't they the Goddess' choices to make?" the same Elder asked. Mani knew all of the Elder's names, where they were from but right now he didn't care. He gave an answer and now he wanted to leave.

"I stumbled upon the Montis Pack as they held a Moon Ceremony, I was curious and decided I would take matters into my own hands. I blessed both Werewolves while they were young, they have my mark. The crescent moon on their foreheads. Anything else you need to ask? Or do you believe me now?" Mani asked, growing annoyed quickly.

"No, we understand the Goddess is still... Uncertain with her children and that her gift may not be given out again. But we have nothing else to ask of you. Thank you Mani," an Elder, Mika spoke.

"W-Wait!" the woman, Scarlett shouted, her green eyes wide.

The God stood there, unsure with his head tilted slightly to the side as he watched the woman speak to her Mate. She spoke quickly, telling him something important, both of them frowning. Whatever was said they both smiled, looking at the God with sheepish grins.

"Can you be in charge of our Moon Ceremony?" River asked.

The God chuckled, "It only seems right to do so. I'd be honoured."

Hey guys!
Hope you enjoyed the new chapter.

🌙 What do you think so far?

🌙 Can the Elders or Mani come up with a solution for River?

🌙 Don't forget updates are on Monday and Thursday!

Ellie 🦊

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