III. Impossible

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Word Count: 1,500

Sitting in the Pack house' kitchen I glared at my cup of coffee as I waited for Octavius to explain why he was on my territory. Instead he stood in the kitchen, acting like he was at home and helping himself to whatever he liked.

Glancing at Octavius, I noticed how odd he looked in the kitchen. He was tall and dark, whereas the kitchen walls were a soft yellow with white counters and cabinets. The two were different and yet it made me wonder if Octavius' kitchen was dark like himself or if it was all white. Spinning around Octavius' nose was scrunched up in disgust at not being able to find what he wanted.

"Octavius sit down and explain why the hell you're here," I demanded, growing impatient with the Alpha.

"Oh I'm here for you gorgeous," he said with a smirk, sitting on the kitchen counters eating a red apple.

"Cut to the chase Octavius, who's the male you were after?" I asked, rolling my eyes at his statement.

"Just a traitor who will be dealt with accordingly," he spoke, the smirk plastered to his face.

"As he was on my territory, he is mine to deal with. You know the rules. You should be thankful I'm not going to the Elders for breaking the rules," I spat, turning my glare to my coffee which had turned cold.

"You wouldn't," Octavius taunted.

"I will, after all I have a friend who's an Elder. Leave the traitor here. Whatever punishment you've decided will be postponed until my Council have gone over the evidence and will decide if your punishment is too harsh or not," I said.

"Fine, have it your way, Luna," Octavius snickered.

His dark eyes lingering on me with a dark, unfamiliar look in them that caused my cheeks to burn. Watching him turn around and leave I watched as the dull lights made his hair darker. As the Alpha left I let out a sigh of relief, glad that he'd finally left. Sniffing the air I groaned out loud, the Alpha had been here for less then twenty minutes and my entire Pack house smelt of cloves and ginger. Now the unmated females would either be nervous or turned on until his smell disappeared from the house. If I was lucky, it would be gone by tomorrow but probably not. Pulling the cup of coffee up to my nose I inhaled the bitter smell, trying to drown out Octavius' obnoxious smell but despite my tries, his smell continued to assault my nose.

"Luna, the trespasser is in the Chambers," the guard spoke, Grant, I think his name was.

"Thank you, I'll go see him soon," I replied.

Putting down the coffee mug my thoughts drifted to the Chambers. They were a form of holding cells for the supernatural. It was a large building made of concrete with materials such as silver, iron, ignis stone and so many others that caused creatures to weaken. For weres it was silver, for fairies and elves, iron and for mermaids ignis stones. Most Packs had them, Elves and large towns and cities had them as well. Aequum, the capital of our lands, was where the Elders lived, it also held the largest Chambers.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I forced myself to stand. Octavius' smell still lingered in the kitchen making me groan inwardly. Walking out the back door I inhaled the fresh air before following a secluded pathway. As the trees grew taller and closer together, I noticed the Chambers in the distance. The dark grey building grew closer with each step, and with each step the heaviness in my chest grew.

As the building loomed above me my gaze fell upon the large iron doors. Even though I couldn't see them, I knew that there were symbols covering the entrance and, the few windows that allowed air to flow to the lower levels. The symbols that covered those entrances were cast by Warlocks.

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