Chapter 17

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Reese's POV (The day the rogues attacked)

I was fighting off the last of the rogues in wolf form, but then my whole body started to burn as if I had wolfsbane in my system. My wolf and I whimpered in pain and fell to to the ground.

The last rogue noticed my weakened state and jumped at me, but Cruz jumped in front of me, and tackled it to the ground snapping its neck with his teeth. There were no more rogues around.

Dead bodies laid everywhere in the cafeteria. Some rogues, some from my pack, and some from the Shadow Howlers. The ones alive were helping the wounded.

Another sensation of pain went throughout my body, making me roar, and change back into my human form.

"What's wrong?" Cruz asked me as he stood right next to me. "Did you get hurt?"

I shook my head. Maia came running towards me, and handed me a pair of shorts to put on.

"I-it's not me. I-it's Blair." I murmured, as I slipped on the shorts.

I got up, and swayed a little from the dizziness of the pain. Cruz grabbed my arm and helped me sit down on a chair.

"What's wrong with Blair?" Alpha Blane asked as he stood next to me with worry in his eyes.

"I think she was injected with wolfsbane." I confessed.

Alpha Blane ran a hand threw his dark hair in frustration. The cafeteria doors bursted open, and in came Caleb, and Grey dragged in a nearly unconscious Nixon. His skin looked yellow, and his veins looked visible. He was injected with wolfsbane.

"Where's Blair? Why isn't she with you?" Blane inquired as he saw the three males.

"They took her. Th-they injected me with wolfsbane and took her." Nixon managed to say before he passed out.

My hands went into fists. I got up slamming my hands on the table in front of me, and got up too quickly. My head started to pound from the pain.

"Who took her?" I roared.

"Darius." Blane cursed.

~~5 days later~~

It's been five days, and we still haven't found her. Five days without hearing her laugh, seeing her smile, her bright blue eyes, and it's driving me mad.

We've sent thousands of men to try and catch her scent, or something that'll lead us to her, but nothing.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka, and chugged it. I threw my head back on the chair of my office, and a tear slipped out from my eye.

'Come on Blair. Send me sign, or something. Speak to me.' I said threw our mate connection.

Nothing. I've been trying to communicate with her, but I can feel her, or her wolf.

I run a hand threw my hair in frustration, and throw the bottle across the room making it crash into the wall, and the glass and alcohol fall to the floor.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I murmur with my hands in my hands.

"Alpha. We've found something." I hear Cruz say.

I look up at him, hope filling my eyes, and get up from my seat walk behind him towards the meeting room.

"What is it?" I asked everyone in the room.

"We've managed to catch her scent. It was faint, but it's hers." Caleb spoke up.

"Where?" I questioned.

"It's about 2 hours away from here, in a cave deep in the woods." Grey informed me.

"Well lets go." Alpha Blane ordered.

Everyone started getting up, and gathering men. The men that were going with me were, Caleb, Cruz, and 7 of my best fighters. Enzo couldn't come, because he was badly injured during the rogue fight. Maia, Skylar, Sofia, and Evie wanted to come, but I needed them to stay with some men that were going to stay back just in case we get attacked.

Alpha Blane was going with Luke, Grey, and 20 other warriors. Nixon was all recovered from the wolfsbane, but Blane didn't want him to come, just in case he's not fully healed.

On the way there, we started coming up with a plan.

We're coming for you Blair, just hang on.


Blair's POV

(Warning: if you don't like reading attempt rape you can skip the next part.)

"I will never give that to you." I growl.

He laughed sadistically, and came closer to my face.

"But you will." He started leaning in to kiss me with a smirk on his face, but I head butted him before he could.

His smirk dropped into a frown. He drew his hand back, and slapped me across the face, making me fall down still attached to the chair.

"Now Blair, I didn't want to do that, but you gave me no choice. Now stop being a bad girl, and then maybe I'll let you off these chains."

He pulled me back up with the chair, and started to lean in again and forcefully gave me a kiss. Tears streamed down my face.

"Are you going to be a good girl?"

I looked at him with fear. I slowly nodded.

"Good." He then grabbed a pair of keys, and gloves from his back pocket. He grabbed one of the silver chains, and started to unlock my legs, and my arms.

Once he was done I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine, and ran towards the door, but he managed to recover quickly, and he put a hand on the door to prevent me from leaving.

He turned me around, and pinned me against the door. He shook his head.

"Bad choice Blair." His finger went down the side of my cheek, and he grabbed a fistful of my hair throwing me to the floor. "I guess we're going to do this the hard way."

He straddled me, pinning my hands over my head with one of his hands, and the other he took off his belt, and started to wrap it around my hands. He sat on my legs, so I couldn't kick him.

"Let me go." I cried out.

"No can do sweetheart."

He started to unzip my pants.

"No! Stop! Let me go." I started to trash around as he started to unzip his own zipper. "I sa-"

"Let go. She said let go." A familiar voice came from behind Darius.


Anyone catch that Teen Wolf line? Stiles Stilinski anyone? When Cora grabbed Lydia and Stiles came in? No? No. Okay well I'll just go over there. *points to other side of room*

Hope you enjoyed. Until next time Adios. *says as I walk away*

Ps. Sorry if there's any mistakes.

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