Chapter 8

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This definitely wasn't Reese. I dash towards my bedroom door and ran downstairs with the rose and note in my hand. Caleb, Luke, Nixon and Grey were all asleep on the couch with the tv on.

Nixon was on the end side of the couch with his head on Grey's lap with his legs curled up close to him. Grey was in the middle with his head in an uncomfortable position. Caleb was on the floor, and my brother was on the other side of Grey laying the same way as Nixon.

"GUYS!" I yelled making Grey freak out, and push Nixon and Luke off the couch onto Caleb. Caleb groaned.

I put a hand to my mouth trying not to laugh. This was serious. Grey stood up and looked at me. He rushed towards me and inspected me for any injuries. "I'm fine." I told him.

"Get these fat asses off me." Caleb exclaimed. "I can't breathe."

Luke was the first one to get off since he was on top and then Nixon helped Caleb off the floor.

"Was that really necessary." Luke said while scratching his head. I nodded.

"Did any off you leave this on my bed?" I asked them showing them the rose and note. Maybe it was a prank from one of them. A freaky one might I add.

They all looked at it in confusion and shook their heads. Luke reached for the note and grabbed it out of my hand, and read the note out loud.

"Who the heck did this?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I just found it on my bed. I thought one of you guys were trying to prank me or something." I explained.

"Did they leave anything behind?" Grey asked. I shook my head.

"What is going on here?" A groggy Sky said as she walked down the stairs. I gave her a sympathetic look as I saw her puffy eyes.

"Where you crying?" Caleb asked his sister. She quickly shook her head.

"I was putting on some lotion and got some in my eyes." She lied. "Anyways what's going on?"

"Someone left this on Blair's bed. Have any idea who would've left it there?" Luke asked her. She grabbed the note and read it. She shook her head.

"Probably some guy trying to get into her pants." She said handing me the note.

"Could be." I agreed.

"I don't think it is. This sounds more like a creep promising that he'll come and get you." Caleb exclaimed.

"But who would want me is the real question." I crossed my arms over my chest and rubbed my arms. Goosebumps made its way up my arms at the thought of someone coming for me.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to you." Nixon said while pulling me into a hug.

The sound of someone trying to open the front door made us all snap our heads towards it. Nixon and Like jumped in front of me, and Grey and Caleb in front of Sky.

I peeked my head over Nixon's shoulder to get a look at whoever is trying to open the door. The person trying to come in finally opened the door, and there appeared.....

My dad.

We all let out a breath that we all held in.

My dad raised an eyebrow at us.

"Why are you guys up at this time?" He asked while setting his suitcase down. I walked up to him and gave him a hug, and handed him the note.

He growled as he finished reading it.

"Where was this?" He asked me.

"In my room." I told him. He hurried up the stairs with Luke, Nixon, Grey, and Caleb behind him.

It was only me and Sky in the living room. I sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to me. She sat down and put her head on my lap. I felt small wet droppings on my thighs. She was crying again.

"Sky what's wrong?" I asked her. She lifted her head and looked at me with her red eyes.

"I reject him." She whispered.

"What!?" I whisper/yelled. "Why!?"

"He's a Dusk Howler. How do you think my dad will react, and your dad." She said while looking down at her hands. I grabbed her hand.

"He's your mate. I don't think they have a say in this." I advised her, but in reality I was also advising myself. "They don't have a say in this because they were made for us. The moon goddess gave us these mates for a reason."

She wiped off her tears from under cheek.

"You have a point. When did you become so wise?" She asked me.

"I've always been wise." I smiled. "I'm going to take my own advice and tell my dad. You coming?" I asked while getting up from the couch and started walking towards the stairs. She nodded and walked behind me. We walked towards my room and walked in.

My dad was practically destroying my room. The bed was messy. The chairs were thrown to the other side of the room, and lamps where on the floor.

My dad saw something red on the floor. He crouched down and touched it with his finger. He brought his finger close to his face and sniffed it.

"Rogue." He growled.

Okay maybe I won't tell him right this second.


A short chapter I know, the next two are gonna be short. Be happy I updated at least 😂. Anyways hope you liked it.

Oh and before I forget make sure you read one of my good friends stories. Her user is mccallmedan

She has a story about Riarkle (Riley and Farkle from GMW) if you like them together.

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