Chapter 7.5

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Kieran's POV

In the past, I have been almost caught half naked by parents before so naturally, i rushed to grab my shirt off the floor, all the while in a cast and still not over the little spew I had just had with Everest. I manage to get it on, as did his, just as the door opened. 

An older looking woman, probably mid forties, stood in the doorway. Her skin was falsely tanned, almost orange. Her eyes were a soft brown, and her smile radiant. That's how I figured out it was Everest's mom; her smile. Her blond hair was pulled up in a tight french twist, her suit was a light pink, and looked like it cost more than than my apartment. 

"Everest- Oh, honey. You have a friend over. Is he from the team? I thought you had practice today?" 

Her platinum smile had faded once she laid eyes on me. 

"No, uh mom, he's not. He's a friend.. From school. There's no practice today. Why are you home early? You weren't supposed to be back for another week." 

Everest was stumbling over every one of his words. None came out distinctively as normal. His mother made him nervous, i could tell that. I could also tell he was embarrassed. Of me. 

"Well, the business deal your father made took a lot faster than we had thought it would, so we're home. I thought we would have an old fashioned family dinner, like old times. " Her smile was forced, but she still managed to make her voice seem pleasant. 

"Oh uh. Okay? I'll just give Kieran a ride home, then I'll be back for dinner." Everest says, handing me my crutches. 

"Kieran? Kieran James?" His mother asks, here eyes going from a soft brown, to an apprehensive glance towards me, then to my leg. 

Everest went even more red in the face. "Yeah mom, from school." 

She quickly pulls herself together. "Well then, let's not make him go home then, the cook already has dinner prepared. There is room enough for one more, I'm sure." 

Everest goes wide eyed. "Mom I uh- Kieran? Would you like that?" His eyes were telling me to say no, but I didn't get a chance to answer. 

"Nonsense. Kieran, do you like lamb?" 

"I've never had it." I answer honestly. 

She gives me another forced smile. "Great. Be down in five minutes, boys."

Everest sighs deeply and sits back down on the bed, adjusting his  shirt collar. "Jesus christ." 

I sit back down as well. "Why did she seem so shocked by who I was? I know I haven't robbed any of your family's businesses." I state calmly. 

He gives me a questioning glance, but the reality of my past soon reminds him, and he quickly dismisses my words. "Probably just the tattoos or something, you really don't have to eat with us if you don't want. Seriously, like. At all. I'll drive you home right now." 

He was keeping something from me. "Do you not want me to meet your family? Are you embarrassed of me?" 

He puts a hand on my shoulder. "It isn't that it's just.... My family aren't like me, Kieran. They're dicks. And that's putting it lightly. My dad is the reverend, owns half the town, voted for Trump. My mom teaches sunday school, owns four banks, follows my dad every order." 

"I'm not exactly flamboyant, Ev. They won't smell the 'gay' on me. Is it the tattoos? Or is it something else? Just tell me."

"Kieran I-"

"BOYS! Dinner is ready!" 

Here we go. 

Everest's POV

I was about to tell him. My mother knew his name, not from his criminal history, but from the accident. His accident, the one I caused. I almost told him, I had to soon. But, I didn't get the chance. Now I was helping him down three flights of stairs the hard way, so my parents wouldn't suspect anything, and I had to sit through a dinner hoping to god my mother didn't mention anything, and hoping to every god above my dad didn't decide to be a dick about his appearance. This should be interesting. 

We finally make it down the stairs, and Kieran is back on both crutches again, and no longer partially in my arms, much to my dissapointment. We slowly make our way to the dinner table, where my parents are already sitting. One large table that could seat 12, with only four people at it. Way to add to the already awkward atmosphere, Addie. 

I sit next to my mother, my father at the head of the table, and Kieran next to me. An assortment of food was laid out, far more than necessary, and I was sweating heavily. No music was playing, the only sound was breathing, plates being passed, and my own heartbeat. 

My father was the first to speak. "Shall we say grace?" 

To my surprise, Kieran bowed his head like the rest of us as my father spoke: "Dear heavenly father, please bless this meal, and this family, and please bless Kieran, and hopes he heals quickly, and efficiently. Let us partake in this meal in which you provided for us. In Jesus name we pray, Amen." 

I felt like I was going to puke, but to my surprise, Kieran was cool as ice, and gave my father a smile. "Thank you for that, and for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels." He pulls back his wild curls and pulls them into a hair tie, only a few loose strands springing free. 

Addie, our cook, begins setting plates in front of us, my father already filling his, and Kieran had already placed his napkin across his lap and only took small portions. Even my mother was staring at him shocked, my father paid him no mind. His manners were good, for a common criminal. It almost amused me to the point of laughing, I wanted to kiss him just watching him, he was really trying. Now lets see how hard my parents were. 

"So, Keiran. What grade are you in?" My mother asks, taking a bite of her lamb chop. 

"I'm a senior. Graduating in two months. I've done most of my classes online." He says with one of his stellar smiles. He was picking at his food, I could tell he was nervous. 

My mother gives a small smile. I could tell she felt bad. THe worst part of it all was my father didn't know about the situation with Kieran, at all. Me and my mother knew if we told him, it would only make our home situation worse. "That's great!" SHe chimes in cheerfully. 

"I'm guessing you've been held back then, you've gotta be like, 20, with all those... Tattoos." 

I went red, glancing up at my father i could tell he had more than just wine in that glass, even my mother looked shocked at his words, but she knew better than to disagree with him. Who would have thought the town's star family was containing an alcoholic pastor, an ignorant wife, and a gay son. It was almost telivision material. 

"I have, actually. But I started getting tattoos when I was 14, sir. I am 19, but you were close." he takes another bite of his salad. 

Oh god. 

"So." my father says. "Are you aware son, that tattoos are a sin?" 

I wanted to vomit. 

Kieran was looking down at his plate, with a smirk on his face. "We're all sinners, sir. Me, you, even your son, by the basis of sin from the book that you preach from every sunday." 

I glance at him, he just gave me a small smile, and returned back to his food. 

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