Chapter 10

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Kieran felt the wind blow his hair back as he drove, he was so happy to be finally able to drive again. He was headed to Everest's house, and his mind was boggling with worry. Everest hadn't been doing too well, and he was concerned for him, he hadn't spoken to him in awhile and was looking forward to seeing him. He really was.

He soon arrived to his house, parking to the side and out of the way of the driveway. He turned his car off and took out his phone, letting Everest know he was here. He waited patiently until he saw the porch light turn on, it was around 7pm and he was anxious to get inside, seeing as it was quite cold. Soon, Everest appeared on his front porch, waving at Kieran. Kieran's heart beamed with excitement as he got out of his car, grabbing his bag, and heading towards Everest. Soon enough, he was face to face with him.

"Hey, I'm glad you asked me to come." Kieran says, his voice soft.

"Me too, come on, it's freezing. Let's get inside" Everest says, escorting Kieran inside.

Everst's house was huge, even though Kieran saw very little until being dragged downstairs, he still stared in awe of everest's house. He had never been in a house so large.

"Wow" Kieran breathes out, taking it all in as they arrived in Everest's bedroom. He didn't think he could ever get over the size. 

Everest chuckles. "Yeah, uh, can we talk"

Kieran's heart skipped a beat, but he nodded, walking over to Everest's bed and sitting beside him.

"You okay?" Keiran asks, looking to Everest.

"No... I'm not okay. I got kicked off the team. School has turned into a living hell. I have no one on my side anymore, Kieran. Everyone knows. About us, well not you but me. Monica, she saw us, she took a video and sent it to the whole school! My life is over. If this gets to my parents, or to anyone in my family, i'm screwed! I can't do this Keiran. Not alone."

Kieran put a hand on Everest's shoulder, forcing Everest to look him in the eye. His eyes held nothing but pain, tears were submerging. "You're not alone, Ev. You've got me. You've always got me. I'm not going anywhere, I never have."

Everest broke down, tears streaming down his cheeks, Kieran pulling him into his arms and holding him tightly as Everest sobbed. He was violently shaking, and all Kieran could do was hold him, and tell him it was all going to be okay. Soon, Everest's sobs had subsided and he pulled away, wiping his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I got your shirt wet."

Kieran let out a small chuckle. "I don't mind, it isn't the first time, come on, it's late. Let's lay down. Do you want to watch a movie?"

Everest stands up, walking over to his movie shelf and pulling out a DVD. "Titanic okay?"

"Total chick flick, but sure."

Everest turned the lights out, popping in the DVD and pressing play, walking over to the bed. "Do you uhm.. Want to lay down? I can lay on the left and you on the right, whichever side you prefer."

"It doesn't matter, do you mind if I change into my night clothes?"

"Not at all. I'll do the same."

Kieran stood up, grabbing his bag off of the floor and rummaging through it, finding his sweats. "Do you uh, have a bathroom out here I could change in or do you mind if I just change in here?" Keiran asks, turning around, only to find Everest already toppless.

"You can change in here."

Kieran was red in the face, Everest's body was perfectly carved. He was well built and quite attractive. It made Kieran feel a bit uncomfortable in multiple areas, but mostly in himself. He was so puny and pale compared to him. He sighed and looked away, taking off his jacket and shirt and pants, changing into his sweats quickly but that was when he realised, he forgot an extra shirt. Shit.

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