Innocent Gesture

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The sky is screaming bloody murder as the moon is casted by the sun a deep red. Crying is heard from the village of less than three hundred people surrounded by the woods. No one feels safe at night as dark descends and evil lurks from all around.

Doors are slammed shut and locked with danger near and everyone knows to stay inside. Windows already boarded up and doors bolted the village people are kept in the dark of the monsters they fear. No one is willing to find out once again what those things out there are. There is no need to be scarred like the first woman to discover the beasts living among them hundreds of years ago.

Except one boy that is, young and curious he peeks out the boarded up window, staring out to catch a glimpse. He is no more than ten watching with excitement, fear nowhere felt inside him. He is interested in the monsters who live among them who have never hurt a person yet everyone fears them.

One of the monsters, with claw like hands walking on four, notices the boy. He senses him and he decides to walk closer away from his kind. He is just as interested as the boy is of him.

Closer he gets the boy watches with fascination before the moment is snatched away by the boy's father, "What are you doing?!" the man pulls his son away from the window.

"Watching them." the boy answers his father.

"They are monsters walking amongst us and you shall not give them reason to kill you."

"Kill? They haven't killed a single person anywhere in documentation of their existence." the boy tells his father as the locked door is swung open.

Both father and son watch as the creature in the doorway stares at them in curiosity. He has not seen humans in years since his kind were first discovered roaming around. "Get out of my house you monster!" the boy's father shouts grabbing his son to pull him away.

The boy shrugs his father's hand away and steps closer to see what his father calls a monster but he sees as amazing. He isn't frighten nor scared of such a creature but the same can't be said for his father.

As the monster holds his hand out to the boy as an innocent gesture, the father isn't willing to take a chance and grabs his gun and shoots at the thing. Killing his son in the process and so this brings the last time the monsters come out of the woods.

** Eventually this will be the prologue to a story I plan to post. I don't know when I'll post it though but it will be about the monsters and creatures years after this takes place. **

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