Shouldn't Get Rides From Strangers

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"I have to go to the bathroom." I tell the male nurse walking me back to my room on the second floor while we're still on the first floor. Walking slowly deliberately in this long hallway after my hour therapy session with Doctor Talks a lot. I can never remember her name despite my long stay at this place. I actually don't care  about learning anyone's names when I don't plan on staying much longer. I don't belong here at this hospital my parents dropped me off at. I'm perfectly insane and that's the way I want to stay.

I stop walking as he continues ahead before turning back around with that awful stare he has whenever I don't listen. I still can't understand why he chose this job when he clearly doesn't enjoy it by his poor attitude. "You can hold it can't you?" he retorts rudely I might add.

Again why does he work at this facility? He must have lied on his resume to get this job he has.

"You want want me to hold it in?" I lift my hand up to point at myself.

"I don't see why you can't. Your room is just up the stairs not that far away." he eggs me on as if he wants me mad but I won't give in to that right now. I have other plans that involve escaping and he's part of it without knowing. I'll give in though a little and play into this game of annoying him for the last time.

"You do know I'm with child don't you?" I place my hand on my stomach, cradling the growing bump. "Holding it in isn't an option. It's bad for the baby and my bladder he's pushing on." I tell him not liking the tone in his voice. I don't like him period. I haven't liked him since I have been here and he started working a few weeks ago. He's inconsiderate of my feelings or my child.

"Fine." he groans, "Hurry up. I'll wait out here." he says and I don't hesitant to walk over to the first floor restroom on the right not far from me.

The first thing I do is lock the door once inside the small space containing a sink and toilet. I may be crazy but I'm not dumb. I remembered everything about each floor from the inside and out. That is exactly how I knew the first floor restroom doesn't have bars on the windows. I have easy access to leave and that is just what I am going to do.

Quietly I walk over to the medium sized rectangular window with every intention to make today my last here.

I open the window up figuring out how I'm going to do this. I mean when I thought of this I wasn't exactly six months pregnant. I was barely showing then but it's now or never right? I can't stay here forever. I won't let them take my child away from me. "Hurry up!" he says on the other end of the door and I turn back my heart racing.

"I told you I had to go!" I yell back as I put the lid over the toilet seat and step on it. Deciding on the look of it my best bet is going out feet first in the window and my hands on both sides to help me out. I step on ever so lightly on the top part of the toilet and grab onto the side of the window and push myself out.

Getting out through the window and onto the grass outside isn't that hard. What awaits for me now on the outside is the tall fence surrounding the hospital up on the very top of a big hill. I take a breath of fresh air and see the ocean not far away. The beach is down below where sane people are enjoying a sunny day unknowingly never thinking about the crazy people up the hill. They really don't know as I walk forward to the fence and begin climbing, one of them will be helping me leave this pathetic town away form the hospital.

Once on top of the fence making way too much noise I turn my body to climb down a little more before jumping down on the opposite side of the hospital. I'm not sane but I'm not that insane to risk jumping down and hurting my baby. I'm smarter than that. I'm not that sick minded to hurt a life that's part of me. Now for others that's a different story.

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