Twenty Nine: Epilogue

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A year had passed by. A year Alex and I had been together. I've never been able to hold a relationship this long. I usually get bored of the guy I'm with, bored of having sex with him and just straight up bored of him, but this time it's different. Very different.

Alex had a kind of hold on me, he always knew how to start a conversation, he always knew what to say when we argued, he knew how to, well, not lose me. And lastly, he knows how to keep me interested and especially pleasured.

However, the year had been hard, on him, on me, on my family. Although, a couple of amazing things happened.

The man who stabbed me had been caught. Of course it took a while to make sure it was him and make sure there was hard evidence, but they finally caught him. They also figured out who else was involved and why he stabbed me. It was, as I thought, because I started something with that man at the restaurant while I was working. One of his brothers got very annoyed at the situation and stabbed me. Obviously it wasn't a good enough excuse to stab me, but that's why he did it. He was sent to prison, then a psych ward after they figured out there was something very wrong with him, but I wasn't allowed to know anything from there.

Emily and I had become more or less friends, or at least acquaintances, whereas Alex and Emily had been friends for a while after sorting things out. I decided I should give her a second chance, everyone deserves one, even if she is a bitch.

And Amy was still just Amy. We didn't see each other as much because she was so busy with everything, but we'd call or FaceTime to catch up every now and again. She'd also got herself a boyfriend, so I'm hoping for the best for them both. After everything, especially after taking care of my annoying ass, she deserves the best.

Alex also took me to Australia to visit his brother, where we sat on the beach or by the pool all day, every day, and then we partied all night, every night. We were also under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, but mostly alcohol as I've never been the biggest fan of drugs. Most of those nights finished with Alex and I having sex, which was obviously amazing.

Later in the year, I also stayed at Alex's family's house with him to get to know them better. At first his dad and I were uncomfortable around each other, but Alex's mum got us to go out for a meal and a drink to talk about Alex and connect with each other. At first it was awkward, being alone with Alex's dad, but it got better as we talked more. We found out a lot about each other and found out that we had a lot of the same interests. That night as we drove home, he told me that Alex seemed a lot happier since we started dating, which made me smile.

So despite a few problems, the past year has been very good.

I see a future with Alex, a long one. Maybe it won't last as long as I want it to, like up to the marriage stage, but maybe it will last a long enough time. I've never been so happy with anyone, but he's changed that.

So now I guess I just have wait to see what the future holds for Alex and I.


Soooo...that's the end!! Thank you to everyone who stayed until the end, it really does mean a lot. Your votes and comments mean everything. You guys comment some funny stuff and I enjoy reading them.

I'm just going through this authors note and the paragraph below is the cutest thing ever, because this book is now at 5 million reads. I genuinely never thought I would see the day. I'm overwhelmed:

'I'm hoping this book will continue to grow even though it's finished, but it's already on 44k reads!!! I can't believe it, it's amazing! I never thought I'd get this far with it. So again, thank you.' — I don't know when I wrote this, but it sure as hell is amazing to see how far this book has come.

I'm going to miss writing this book, but I've enjoyed it and I hope you have too. Thank you so much for reading, leave a vote and comment!! I love you guys so much thank you thank you thank you! Goodbye!

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