Chapter 50

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"Hello gorgeous" Cayden grins at me. I roll my eyes as I return his smile "hey Cayden"

I had just walked into the house, and already Cayden was pouncing. He gently yet swiftly pushes me up against a wall and leans his head down so that he can talk more personally to me.

I feel my cheeks blush deeply at our intensely close contact "you know what my name Cayden means here in the Eribiss?" He asks as he unconsciously twirls my hair in his index finger, his eyes locked to mine.

I quirk an eyebrow "er-no" I admit.

A slow smirk that mimics Adelram's almost identically, forms on his lips as he answers "it means Sex God" he whispers.

Before I can reply, Cayden is suddenly flung off me to reveal an angry Adelram "that's not what your name means you idiot" Adelram growls at Cayden, his face twisted in annoyance.

Cayden doesn't miss a beat, he looks over to me and winks "I could prove it to you if you'd like" he offers. I can't help but laugh at his silly flirtation.

"You're name means Great Fighter now quit harassing Bethany and go away" Adelram demands as he rolls his eyes at his older brother.

"Later than babe" Cayden wiggles his eyebrows as he sends me another wink before walking upstairs.

Adelram looks over at me before breaking eye contact and looking to the floor "well I'm gonna" he pauses to clear his throat "uh g-go, so uh bye" he stutters awkwardly before turning around and leaving upstairs.

I'd like to say that things went back to normal with Adelram and I, that because of that moment in the bathroom, we were okay and we were no longer awkward and unsure of our relationship, but as you can see, that'd be a lie.

We've gotten less weird around each other, we're able to talk in lame, awkward sentences, but there's still uncomfortable silences, and we're both still unsure how to talk around each other. It's frustrating, and it sucks, but it's probably for the best anyways.

I walk into the living room to find Melina reading a story to Avalynn using over exaggerated animated voices.

I can't help but smile as Avalynn begins giggling at something Melina said.

"The end" Melina proclaims dragging out the 'e' in 'the'.

"Thanks mama" Avalynn chirps giving her mom a kiss on the cheek before jumping up, suddenly noticing me "oh hey uh..." her face scrunches up in confusion as a small frown forms on her lips. She looks back at Melina "what's her name again?" She asks whispering, trying but failing to make sure I don't hear.

I laugh lightly as Melina tells her.

"Bethany! Hey Bethany" Avalynn says smiling at me "hey Robin" I reply watching her face twist in confusion "Robin?" She asks confused.

"Yeah you know, Batman's sidekick" I explain.

"Ew Robin's a boy, I'm a girl" Avalynn states, the last part in a "duh" tone.

I laugh at this. "You can just call me Batgirl, because I'm basically the girl version of Batman" Avalynn informs me "alright then, Batgirl, will you please excuse me while I talk with your mom?" I ask politely.

Avalynn scurries along without a reply.

I sit down on the couch as Melina turns her body towards me "what can I do for you sweetheart?" Melina asks kindly.

"Well I was wondering if maybe you could show me how to block my thoughts like you and Adelram do" I ask nervously. I'm hoping to get as much power and strength as I can before going to Abigail's rescue.

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