Chapter 3

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About a Boy full theme song

Oh no. No, no, no, no.

I glance over at Jake to see him in the same position he has been in this whole time, except now he has a small smirk playing on his annoyingly perfect face.

What a pompous jerk.

There was no way I was going to let him win and see me embarrass myself in front of the whole class. The way he confidently sat back in his chair clearly showed that he didn't believe I could come up with anything. That I would just stand there with nothing to say in front of the class.

No. That's exactly what he wanted,

So, that's exactly what he wouldn't get.

I stand up with shaky hands and wipe them on my sweater, trying to calm my racing heart.

Squaring back my shoulders and lifting my chin up, I totally wing it last second. "Hello. I'm introducing Jake Lester, his favorite color is hot pink, his favorite show is My Little Pony. He takes ballet, and enjoys dancing alone in his room when nobody is watching. His favorite thing to do is bake snickerdoodles, while rocking out to Justin Bieber."

I announce this "information on Jake" loud and clear making the whole class erupt into laughter.

I sit back down in my chair with a satisfied grin on my face, making a point to look at Jake as smugly as I can.

Pride ripples through me. That outta show him.

I sneak a peek over at Jake to see he's staring at me. Anger, annoyance, and amusement all show on his face at once, it only fuels my confidence.

I give him my best impression of his smirk.

After a moment Mr. Ampler clears his throat, quieting down all of my classmates and says
"Okay, thank you Miss Hibbler for that rather....interesting introduction. Jake Lester, it's your turn to introduce Bethany" he instructs and sits back down in his chair.

I fold my arms and look over at Jake with a raised eyebrow.

I'm pretty sure of myself. Pretty sure that he can't top that.

He looks right back at me and slowly stands up, his eyes never leaving mine.

With full confidence he turns to look at the class and speaks with just as much confidence if not more "Actually, I'm not sure how to introduce Bethany. All she kept talking about was coming over to her house tonight so we can "really explore each other's interests"..."

My whole body tenses up and I just sit there staring at Jake with bewildered eyes,  my mouth hanging low enough to touch the floor, my heart races a million miles a minute and my cheeks are flaring with embarrassment.

Did he seriously just say that?! Well, maybe he could top what I had said after all...

Jake turns around slightly to give me a very annoying smirk, a smirk that I imagine resembles mine almost perfectly.

I feel like dying as the whole class erupts in laughter.

I slowly slink down in my chair and hide my face as best I can with my hair.

After what feels like a thousand years,
Mr. Ampler covers his mouth with his hand for a second. Is it just me or did I just see Mr Ample trying to hide his chuckle? After another moment of him conveniently hiding his mouth, he finally speaks  "alright class, settle down! Mr. Lester and Miss Hibbler, I'll see you after class."


Sorry for the super short chapter, been busy.

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