Chapter #29

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Chapter #29: Let Go of Your Past


Plot twist.

Talk about major fucking plot twist.

I guess it's true when people say that a lot can change in such a little time. I stood there, completely shocked as my best friend stared right back at me, knowing that I was completely shocked with her appearance and confused as to why she was holding my old bestfriend's hand.

Do you know that feeling where you were expecting so much; your hopes were high and you thought things would go as planned? Or when you're excited for something and the adrenaline is eating you alive, but when it actually comes to what you were looking forward to, it's just a plain, old, boring nothing. That's how i felt. I think I could physically feel all my high hopes and expectations drop to the ground as I stared back at Melody.

All I could ask myself was what the hell is going on? Did me leaving have that effect on her, or did she simply turn into something she's always wanted to be?

"Melody," my voice came out barely as a whisper.

Evan looked dazed, repulsed probably by how 'small' the cafeteria was, compared to the one in New York. I moved away from Evan's side and walked forward, directly to Melody and once I was barely 2 feet away from her, my mouth slid open.

"Melody?" I choked, tilting my head to the side.

I couldn't say or do anything dramatic considering the entire cafeteria was watching us. I pushed my brown hair behind my ear.

Her eyes crinkled at the side and her eyebrows shrunk downwards, that same face she had when she was 'sorry', or filled with wrong.

"I... I thought you were dead," she mumbled. "Where have you been?" she finally cried out, grabbing onto my right shoulder and pulling me into her arms.

I choked back my sobs and my arms stayed limp by my side. Her hand grasped the back of my head as she shoved her face into my shoulder, her heavy breath making me warm. I didn't know what to say or do, so I limply dropped my chin onto her shoulder. My eyes looked up to Daniel, standing there, chewing his finger nail. He awkwardly tugged at his pants before nodding his head to Evan who must've been standing behind me. I knew he was standing behind me, I could smell his cologne.

Melody pulled back, looking up and down at my black leggings and hoody. My converse laces were untied- as usual- and my hair was a flat mess.

"I'm not dead?" I managed to say to her, trying not to let the grimace take over my face.

I knew I wasn't one to judge how she is dressed or how her extensions made her hair flop down to her butt, but I was just perplexed and shocked.

"You said you were moving to New York, Peyton. I can't even tell you the amount of times I've called your phone, or left you an email! I fucking looked for you," she gasped for air. "I fucking looked for you everywhere, you know that? I searched but you never seemed to show up, respond. The text messages didn't even say that you read them! You disappeared just like that, you idiot!"

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, "I haven't touched my phone or my laptop for a long while, I'm- I'm sorry."

"You show up just like this? Out of nowhere? What the hell!" her voice went up an octave as her breathe fanned my face aggressively.

"Melody, you're causing a scene," Daniel whisper-yelled, grabbing her forearm.

She panted as if she were a dog, looking at me with disgust. Her soft facial features were nowhere to be found anymore. Her freckles were hidden by pounds of foundation and the fake lashes she had on made her eyes look tiny- and they were exactly the opposite. I could barely even recognize her anymore.

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