Chapter #2

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Chapter #2: Goodbye Forever


I tried to hold back the tears as I ran out of my homeroom class and jumped into the police car. The Phys-Ed class outside stopped and started staring at me; probably thinking I'm getting arrested or taken away. Saying that my heart was beating crazily would be an understatement.

Curiosity flooded my mind. Why am I going to the hospital? What is this 'accident'?

"Sir, p-please tell me why we're going to hospital, what's going on?!" I fastened my seat belt.

"You'll know once we're there ma'am," the officer replied.

Lifting my knees up to my chest on the seat, I tuck my face to my knees and hold back the sobs. What the bloody hell is going on? My throat was tight as I stared out the window, the roads blurry and the trees seeming as if they were flying past me. My heart was in my stomach, and I felt like spewing out all over the seat.

20 minutes later, we pulled up to the big white building; the hospital. Unbuckling my seat belt as fast as I could, I grab my tote bag and sprint through the doors almost tripping on a wheelchair. I mentally cursed, hoping for the worst. I couldn't quite understand why I was brought here. Was it relatives? Was my mom's stomach acting up again? I knew her stomach aches weren't good news. I prayed hard as I ran for my life, tripping on the steps as I made my way past the officers who were by my side in a heart beat. I go into the hospital, rushing to the front desk. I see some police officers holding note pads and some surgeons talking amongst themselves. The air was tense.

"E-Excuse me! Excuse me! I'm P-Peyton Hills, I was brought here by police officers!" I took a deep breath.

"Hills? Peyton Hills? The daughter of Macy and George Hills?" the brunette questioned me, standing up from her chair.

"Y-yes!" I shouted, getting impatient with her calm attitude. She looked around, then eyed her assitant, sitting on the phone, her eyes full of something I couldn't quite read.

"Come with me dear," the lady gave me a remorseful look.

Following behind the lady, she took me up two flights of stairs in front of a room numbered 19. A man walked out wearing white scrubs and asked if I was Peyton Hills. At this point, I couldn't hold back my heavy breathing and I was soon hyperventilating from the anxiousness eating at me.

"Yes! God how many times do I have to tell you people?!" I said enraged, wanting to find out why I was rushed to this hospital. Behind the man, I noticed my Auntie Sharon and Uncle Pete. I hadn't seen them in years and they looked awfully pale.

"Auntie, Uncle why are you guys here?" I gave them a huge hug that seemed to be a little awkward and uncomfortable.

They didn't reply and pointed towards the doctor who was waiting to speak. Walking back over to him I gave him a look which basically said 'can-you-please-explain-to-me-what-the-hell-is-going-on?'

"Dear, your parents have been in an accident," the man held my shoulder, and just then, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "They got hit head on by a drunken driver who was driving a delivery bus at approximately 9am this morning. We've been operating for a few hours and your dad... your dad didn't make it. Your mother is in a coma, she has a fifty-fifty chance of living," the doctor sighed, his voice going down to barely a whisper.

My heart.

In my stomach.


I felt sick and I couldn't focus on the words that just spewed from the mans lips. Unintentionally, I fell to my knees with my hands layed out before me. My legs were shaking, as if they were jello and I couldn't control them whatsoever. My throat was urging to scream and it felt tight. My heart was beating harder than I had ever imagined a heart could beat and within seconds, I opened my lips and screamed. The loudest scream I've ever screamed in my life. Even louder than the time I almost fell out of a roller coaster when I was in 8th grade. Even louder than when my dad had bought me my first car at 16. I felt the muscles in my throat tear as my sobs filled the hallways of the hospitals and my tears felt like they were going to flood the room any second.

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