Chapter Eleven

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(A/N so I know that I'm skipping a lot of time, but I really want to get to the action soon and I'm sure you all agree with that. While Emilee is the main character, her family is a huge part of the book and they will play a crucial role in prophecy. That's all I'm gonna give away for now! Also, thanks to everyone for voting and commenting and reading this! I have over 500 reads now! I'm so freaking happy! Remember to VOTE/COMMENT/FAN!---Love, Anya :D)

Emilee POV~Six Years Later

   "Damien, Mackenzie, Tyler, Katelyn!" I call out for the hundredth time while holding McKayla in my arms.

   "But Mommy, I wanna play more!" Damien, my six year old son whines. 

   "You've been playing for a long time, baby. Daddy is waiting at home for us," I tell him. He pouts but finally caves, his siblings behind him. Damien is the oldest and for that he is followed by the rest of his siblings. His twin, Mackenzie, or as everyone calls her, Mackie, is a lot like I was growing up. She's quiet and goes with the flow. She does what Damien does, she's a follower.

   My daughters look exactly like me, only they have flaming red hair, something I assume my biological mother had or possibly biological father, maybe even grandparents. Who knows, could be from anyone. The boys though, have their father's dark hair and look like miniature versions of him. Tyler is the middle child at four, followed by Lynnie at two, and Mickey at one. In fact, Lynnie and Mickey are only seven months apart. Luckily, they were easy as babies.

   "Hey baby," Kale greets, giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. I grin up at him. Kale is so amazing and a fabulous father and alpha. "Hey kiddos! Did you have fun at the park?"

   "Yeah! We pway on da junga gym!" Lynnie squeals in her tiny baby voice.

   "You did, huh? That sounds like fun," Kale says, picking her up in his arms. We carry the two youngest into the kitchen while the older three run ahead.

   "One more month, baby, and we have another two of them. We may need to grow more arms," I tease Kale, placing a hand on my large stomach. Kale smiles, love shining in his eyes as he looks at the kids, then me, then my baby bump. We're having two girls this time. I know we're young, hell, I'm only twenty-three and Kale's only twenty-four. We're a bit young to have five kids and two on the way, but it's not uncommon among wolves, especially alpha families since the pregnancies are shorter, especially when both wolves have alpha blood, like Kale and I.

   Yes, that's right. When the twins were born, we found out that I had alpha blood too. No one but Damon, Jeremiah, Kale, and the kids know what I am. The kids too are stronger than most fallen wolf decent were and it couldn't be hidden from them, so we told them. They've kept it a secret though. Hopefully, this prophecy will be fulfilled soon and then we can tell others what I am. I have a feeling it will be soon. Probably within the next year or two. But we won't know until it happens. Then, I can live without looking over my shoulder constantly. I can be normal. Well, at least as normal as a fallen wolf can. The only direct fallen wolf in existence that is.

   I still don't know who my parents are, but I've seen a woman around town who looks oddly familiar. In fact, she looks a lot like me. I want to approach her, but I don't have the guts. I mean, am I just supposed to walk up and be like 'hey, are you my mom? You know, the woman who abandoned me at birth with a family that didn't love me and a pack that abused me? Because if you are, it's really great to finally meet you. I'm sure you had your reasons for basically sentencing your daughter to hell.' Okay, so maybe that's a little extreme, but still. It's not like I can just go up to her and ask her. No way. I so don't have the guts. It's not like she's made any effort either.

   "What's going through that head of yours?" Kale asks, lying down beside me and kissing me passionately before placing to kisses on my swollen stomach and pulling me into his arms, on hand resting on my belly.

   "Nothing really. Just wondering what life would have been like if my mom hadn't abandoned me," I say, shrugging slightly. He looks sad for a moment. He always does when we talk about my past and how he and the others treated me. But I don't care anymore. Most have apologized and I don't let it bug me. It's in the past and that's where it will stay.

   "Don't baby, you always get sad," he says, kissing my forehead and pulling me even closer if that's even possible. I love how caring he is. He always knows what to say and do. He's been my rock for years now. I really don't know what I would do without him and I hope I never have to find out either.

(A/N Soooo, I know this update was really short and all but I have a test on mythology in my honors English class tomorrow and I really have to study. I also have to take some stupid test i was 'randomly' selected for to determine where my district stands in terms of other districts globally. Lucky me! Please note the sarcasm here. Anyway, I'll try to update again soon, but until then, Peace Out!-----Anya :D)

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