Chapter Six

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   I change into my wolf and run through the forest, letting my fur fly back in the wind, feeling the leaves and twigs beneath my feet and the smell of the forest filling my nose. I love the feeling of being free, forgetting everything. Forgetting Kale. Forgetting my family that isn't really my family. Just being free, letting Rosie take control and run through the forest for as long as she pleases. The feeling of nothingness. The feeling of serenity.

   I shift back into myself and sit by the waterfall pool. I use magic to manipulate the water into orbs and let them dance above the water and change shape, becoming a wolf, an angel, a tree, and clasped hands. I know, I'm cheesy.

   I focus on strengthening the orbs and let the spin around, each other, forming a tornado of water and then letting it drop back to the pool below the waterfall. I love using magic, seeing what I'm capable of. Knowing that I have a purpose.

   "Bravo," a voice says behind me. I turn and once again see Kale. Is he following me or something?

   "What do you want, Kale?" I growl.

   "My mate," he says. I glare at him.

   "Then why did you reject me?"

   "Because I was a stupid kid, Emilee. I'm not that same boy. I've been beating myself up since you left, blaming myself and everyone for making you run away. I never wanted that, Emilee. I love you."

   "You don't love me, Kale. I may be your mate, but if you knew what I can do, what I've done, you wouldn't love me," I tell him.

   "Try me, Emilee. I love you. I want you back as my Mate. I want you to be my Luna. I want you to carry my pups and to wake up beside you every day," he says. I can see the sincerity in my eyes, but I'm not a normal wolf. Angel's done things and she's a part of me that I won't get rid of. I can't change the past and honestly, I'm not sure I even want to.

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