Chapter 11

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A/N: Sorry for the wait~ Here it is! Enjoy :)

Chapter 11: Hugs, Taking the bullet, and…Metal poles.

Xander’s POV


He raised his head, and I saw his tear-stained face.

My knuckles blanched from the pressure I exerted on my fists. I’ll kill that bitch next time.

Chip stood up hastily, and began to stumble over his words. “I-I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to—to co…copy…or s-steal Vicky’s idea…or anything…”

I was suddenly overcome by this strong impulse to touch him.

In the heat of the moment, I brought his small frame towards me, entangling my fingers in his honey blonde hair and pulling him into my chest.


Chip’s body was like a life-sized hot water bottle—warm and fuzzy.

He froze in my arms, head buried in my chest and I could feel his heart pounding in his fragile ribcage like a frightened bunny.

The faint bells of Christmas could be heard in the distance, as the first flakes of snow began to fall.

“X-Xander?—what…w-what are you—“ He gasped when I hugged him tighter.

Nothing came to my mind in those few seconds we made contact. No violent urges to throw up or disgusted thoughts—it just felt...complete.

The flushed face. The warm bag of hot-cross buns. The very smile that lit up my life.


Never have I thought hugging a guy would be this easy. Or maybe it’s because Chip smells absolutely delicious.

I felt a puddle of warm liquid on my shirt and my hand instinctively made for his back, rubbing it slowly. “I—‘M sowee…itsh ust…ur shirt’sall w-wet…” His voiced came out in muffled chokes as his tensed shoulders began to ease into my body.

Maybe. Just maybe. Angels do exist afterall.

I realised that Chip’s frame was a perfect fit to mine as we stood under the tree; me caressing the top of his head.  

“Don’t be sorry.”


I brought Chip to the washroom to dry his tears and kept trying to catch his eye, but he simply refused to look at me. I didn’t want to go back to Econs.

If I did, I’d probably kill the V on sight.

It was really awkward after that, and at that point of time, I caught myself wishing that I knew more about the small guy beside me.

So…am I gay?

Was I gay since I was seven—after meeting Chip?

No way in hell.

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