32: You're Driving Me Crazy

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I get up from my bed and unlock the door for Carly to come in.  She gives me a wary look as I close the door behind her. 

"What's up?  What's wrong?"  She asks, sitting on the edge of my bed. 

I cross my arms and began pacing back and forth across the small length of my room.  "I have a question for you."  I begin. 

"And...what is that?"  She carefully asks. 

I stop my pacing and look at Carly in the eye.  "Do you like Ian?" 

She shrugs.  "Yeah, he seems like a cool guy I guess-"

I shake my head and hold up a hand to stop her.  "No not like that.  I mean do you like-like Ian?"  I clarify. 

Carly knits her eyebrows and gives me a look like I'm crazy.  "Of course not!"

I continue pacing and totally dismissed her answer.  "Well you two sure looked awfully engaged in one another."  I mutter. 

Carly releases an exasperated sigh as she runs her hand through her hair.  "We were talking about Florida State University!" 

I stop short and give her a surprised look.  "Really?" 

She rolls her eyes, "Yes really." 

"Oh," I mumble, totally taken aback from her response.  I guess I was so worked up on them deep in conversation that I didn't even listen to what they were talking about. 

Carly heaves out another sigh, "Why would you think that I like Ian that way?" 

I sat down next to her on the bed.  "I don't know.  I guess I just thought you two were hitting it off because you two were deep in discussion.  I honestly felt like I was the third wheel."  I confess. 

"Oh honey.  I would never steal your man."  Carly gently says. 

"Well hearing that now kind of makes my reaction seem silly."  I say. 

"It was silly.  I don't know where you got the crazy idea that I was into him.  And besides, if you were paying attention, you'd know that he couldn't keep his eyes off of you."

I lay my head on Carly's shoulder.  That does explain the true concerned look that he gave me when he asked if I was okay.  The thought of him not being able to keep his eyes away from me sent thrills through my body.  I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. 


"Really."  Carly confirms. 

I lift my head up from her shoulder and look her in the eyes.  "Listen, I'm sorry for accusing you of liking Ian.  It was a ridiculous thought." 

"It's okay.  Sorry you felt left out.  You know you could've jumped in any time." 

I nod my head as I realized that.  I put my head back on her shoulder and am lucky to have a friend like Carly.  I don't know what I did to ever deserve a friend like her.  Maybe we could do something tomorrow together.  Or like I could invite Stella, Taylor and Jess over so we could all hang out with Carly and she could meet them too. 

"Where's Ian?"  I wondered. 

"He's out there.  Don't know what he's doing though."  Carly answers. 

"Probably be best if we leave the room and join him."  I say, lifting my head up. 

Carly nods her head in agreement.  "Probably be best." 

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