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"Hello! Can you hear me?!" Amie called.

"Yes, yes I can hear you Amie." I said, lowering the volume on my computer. I usually skyped Amie, Jack and the kids on Monday.

"Hows Paris treating you honey?" Amie asked.

"Awful mom I hate it here."

Joseph, who was sitting right next to me, looked up from his comic book and punched me in the shoulder.

"No, I love it. Honestly. Being here brings back so many memories. Plus my dad is an amazing cook."

"Not as good as you are!" He called from the kitchen.

"We're glad you enjoy!" Jack smiled.

I talked to them for about an hour, learning that Leanne lost her last baby tooth and the twins were getting straight A's in 7th grade. Jack and Amie caught me up on life in New York while I relayed to them my events in Paris.

"How's school?" Amie asked.

"Great mom, I love all my classes and I'm acing all of them.

She smiled. "That good to hear. You know I don't accept any low grades."

No matter what happened, Amie continued the role of my mother and I loved her so much for it. She let me know I could depend on her no matter how far apart we were which was a welcomed feeling.

"And how are you doing Joseph?"

He looked up from his comic book. "Well I'm sad to report that I'm not getting straight A's ma'am but I have nothing less than a B in any of my classes."

"That's still good! I remember how much I struggled at UP."

"That reminds me Amie....Why did you go to UP?"

"To get as far away from my mother as humanly possible." Amie laughed.

"Fair enough." Joseph laughed.

After talking to Jack, Amie, and the girls, I put away my computer and sat back on the comfy sofa. I had talked to Cassidy and Ted just earlier that day so now I didn't really have nothing to do.

"I'm home!" Laurie called when she walked through the front door.

"Welcome back Laurie!" Joseph and I called as she walked through the front door.

She walked into the living room and stopped, staring at the two of us. "Wow. It's been like 3 months since you moved in Johan yet I still don't get used to seeing the two of you. It's like someone cloned Joseph." She laughed.

"Or maybe someone cloned me." I said.

"No I'm the real one!" Joseph laughed. "If anyone is a clone it's you."

"That's what a clone would say." Laurie taunted. Joseph threw his hands up in despair and she snickered, tossing a box in our direction. "A lady that gave birth a few weeks back brought me some chocolates as a thanks for helping her deliver. But you know I'm not a fan of sweets. So I brought them back for you."

"You're the best Laurie!" Joseph said. He opened the box and was about to eat one but I snatched the box away and took out a chocolate. He tried to reach for it but I held it out of his reach.

"I get first picks, I'm older." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah by two minutes." Joseph said. "Big deal gimme some chocolates." He reached across me but I held the box out as far as my arm could stretch. But Joseph knew no limits. He practically climbed over me and grabbed the box while I laughed.

"Don't spoil your appetite!" Dad called from the kitchen.

"We won't!" Joseph and I called as we shoved the sweets in our mouths.

"They'll be fine Robert. Those boys are eating machines." Laurie had taken off her lab coat and settled down in the reclining chair. Since I came to stay, my brother, father, and step mother have made an effort to speak English even though I told them it wasn't necessary. Usually if we went out we would speak French for the day but at home they would speak English.

Living in Paris again is nothing short of amazing, even though I do constantly find myself missing Cassidy, Ted, Amie, Jack, and the girls immensely. I thank Ted every day for taking me to Paris, all the while thanking the world for making him my soulmate. Because without him I wouldn't be where I am today.

So I'm happy that when our world's crashed together, although we resisted at first, we didn't push them back apart.

Thank you all so, so, so, so much for reading, voting, and commenting on my story! It means the absolute world to me! Although this novel came to an end, I want to continue this series but I need your help on what I should do. I can either write about:

Cassidy and her soulmate. (Girlxgirl)


Landon and his soulmate. (Boyxgirl)
This one will also feature Geoffrey's search for his soulmate.

Please vote on which you would rather read in the comments!

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