Ted: Part 2

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"Ted, Ted wake up."

Someone was shaking me. I tried to ignore them and get back to my dream even though I couldn't remember it anymore. I could hear the click of heels and realized it was my mom trying to wake me. Listening I realized she was walking over to the side of my room. I heard the pull off a rope and light flooded in. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

"Oh come on Ted. You're not a vampire."

"You don't know that." I mumbled into my pillow.

She laughed and said, "get up or I'm going to send your dad in with a bucket of water." Then walked out.

That caught my attention. My dad went a bit overboard with that and almost drowned me in my bed once. I groaned and sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I squinted into the brightness and walked to the window. It probably wouldn't be bad if I had like a small window or something but that whole wall was made of glass. I could stand there and see the New York skyline from my bedroom in the penthouse. I heard the door open and looked over to see the housekeeper. She gave me a smile and laid freshly ironed clothes on my bed. But then she just stood there.

"Why are you still here?" I asked her impatiently.

"Sorry sir, is there anything else you need sir?" She asked.

"No. See your way out."

"Yes sir." She said then turned and left.

I turned and walked into my bathroom. I ran a hot shower and instantly relaxed when I stepped in. The steam and heat woke me right out of my groggy state. I'm not sure how long I stood in there. I hurried and brushed my teeth and flossed. I picked up the clothes I was given and dressed, discarding my night clothes on the floor. The maid could get that later. I combed out my hair and styled it then grabbed my football jacket with a quick glance in the mirror, smiling in satisfaction. I was pretty lean, but still muscled. I was glad for that..some guys at my school look like Dwayne Johnson. I flexed my arms and looked down at a corner of my mirror where I stuck a picture of Alex and I. Alex is my girlfriend. We've been going out for a month which is actually my longest relationship. I flirt with girls and move on quickly. Everyone at school thinks its because I'm a player and I let them think that. Its better than them hearing the truth- I really wanted my heart to glow. Alex was pretty cool and she was gorgeous but she was not my soulmate. My heart hadn't lit for her. I could tell she felt the same way, we both knew it was a temporary relationship until we found who we were meant to be with. But for all I knew my soulmate could be on the other side of the word and speak a completely different language. I just hoped I would get to meet her someday. Some people go their whole lives without meeting their soulmate and its a really sad thing. They always complain about how they had friends whose hearts glowed but theirs didn't.
I felt like a sappy little geek when I thought about that but I couldn't help it.

I shook my head as if to clear the thoughts and headed out of my room leaving the door open for the maid to walk in. I opened the door across the hall slightly and peeked into my sisters room. When I was sure she wasn't looking I ran in and scooped her up and she giggled. "Hello beautiful." I said to her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. Mayrse is six and probably the cutest little girl in the entire world. I shifted her so she sat on my shoulders and started down the stairs.
When I got into the kitchen I picked her off my shoulder and set her in a chair for breakfast. The butler was serving breakfast and when he turned from the table he hit into my arm.

"Watch it!"

"Sorry Mr. Baxter" he said and went back to serving us.

It always infuriated me when they couldn't watch where they were going so I sat down in a huff. Mayrse frowned and looked at me. "Be nice."

Our Hearts as Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن