Chapter 3

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Sterling stumbled several steps away; the excruciating pain from the burns pulsated in waves, making him tremble.

He fought another surge of nausea and swallowed before saying, "I'll get Doc Ashfield." He had to pause and take a deep breath to force the bile down before he could continue. "Just don't let her know it was me."

Louisa nodded, helpless to deny the command for secrecy in his intense golden eyes. He looked wild and ferocious like a predator. Restrained power radiated from his impressive figure. Thick, whiskey-brown hair hung in damp locks to his broad shoulders, the wetness of the strands making his hair appear darker.

Grime streaked around his red-rimmed eyes and down his ruggedly handsome face blemished by small burns. Louisa's eyes widened in horror when she beheld the full extent of the damage the fire had caused to his body.

"Sterling," Louisa pleaded, "you're hurt." She gestured to the angry red and waxy white burns visible across his shoulder and chest.

Large blisters were already forming on several of the wounds, and a small patch of charred skin hung free. Just by looking at Sterling, she knew he was in a great deal of pain, and yet he said nothing, his only concern was for Dottie.

He shrugged and groaned sharply when the movement caused severe pain. Coughs tore at his ravaged throat as he struggled to speak. "I'll be fine." He paused and took a deep breath, hoping he wouldn't pass out. Gritting his teeth, he commanded himself to push the pain away, and pled, "Keep her safe."

Wanting to hide his damaged torso from the compassion he saw in Louisa's gaze, he tried to put his damp shirt back on. But the barest whisper of the material against those patches of raw flesh found him fighting to remain upright and not give in to the crippling pain.

Louisa swallowed tears that clogged her throat, aching for him. She was fully aware of his reasons for wanting to keep his identity and involvement away from Dottie. But, from his actions today, it became apparent that he was still very much in love with her daughter, regardless of trying to pretend otherwise.

Perhaps if her husband, William, were alive today, he would know what to say to handle this situation better. He'd always had a special kinship with Sterling and had loved him as a son.

She was helpless because there was nothing she could say or do other than accept his wishes and hope he would seek the medical attention he needed.

Clutching his shirt in his fist, Sterling closed his eyes for a moment, fighting a wave of dizziness before turning.

A ragged gasp escaped him at finding near the front of the house a bucket brigade had formed. Men and women from the nearby homesteads flung water onto the raging inferno, desperate to keep the fire from spreading to the barn and thick trees around them.

Several more wagons raced onto the property, their occupants quickly unloading and joining in with the crowd to try to control the fire. Much to his relief, he saw Doc Ashfield among the large group of people.

Sterling waved his arm and shouted in an attempt to catch his attention.

A couple of people noticed him and alerted Ashfield, who turned and looked in Sterling's direction.

In a pitiful attempt at running toward the group, Sterling staggered forward, but only made it a few feet before he doubled over in pain.

Deep wracking coughs shook his body. Unable to catch his breath, he waved Doc over and pointed behind him. He glanced back at Dottie, relieved to see that she was attempting to sit up despite her coughing and dry-heaving.

Doc Ashfield, his shirt and face bearing streaks of soot and dirt, jogged over toward Louisa and Dottie. At the age of forty-one, Ashfield stood at the unremarkable height of five-foot-six.

Nevertheless, his deep voice commanded respect the instant he spoke. Thick red hair usually slicked back to contain unruly curls, now basked in the freedom granted to them in the chaos of the situation.

Bushy auburn mutton-chop sideburns adorned his broad but pleasant face. Deep-set brown eyes, which generally sparkled with intelligence and sharp wit, were filled with concern as he took in the condition of the Griggs family and Sterling.

Immediately rushing to Louisa and Dottie's side, he took charge of the situation. The tightness in Sterling's chest lessened at watching them. Ashfield would know what to do to keep them safe. He needed to leave. It would be better for all of them if he did.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he staggered over to Fancy and left.

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