Chapter 15

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Caleb came to meet me today regarding business. He wanted to invest in my hotels. Caleb and me, we both grew up together. He is two years older than me and a family friend. Caleb's dad and my dad, they used to be college friends, they still are. For years, both our families have been together. Occasional dinners on Sundays have kept us together.

I finished my meeting with him and he left. I was free now so I called Erica but she didn't answer her call. I went to her office but saw that her phone was on the desk but she wasn't there. When I came back from her office. I asked my PA if she had seen Erica.

"Yes sir, she went with Mr. Taylor a few minutes ago. "

Erica went with Caleb? I thought to myself.

I knew that this wasn't the best idea but still I followed them down and saw them entering a coffee shop across the street. I may sound crazy but I didn't understand why she went with Caleb. How did she know him? Must be a friend. Yes, they must be friends. I tried to explain myself. However I couldn't take my mind off both of them. I returned to my office and continued with my work, a thousand questions still lingering in my mind.

Someone knocked on my door and came inside. It was Erica. How do I ask her about Caleb without sounding like a fool?

"I called you." I started.

"I left my phone in my cabin. Actually I went to take a break."

"You could have come here we both would go somewhere out." I told her.

"Yes, I thought so first, but I didn't want to disturb you." She spoke but there wasn't the usual cheeriness in her voice. She seemed sad.

"You could atleast take your phone. I got worried." That wasn't a lie. I was genuinely worried.

"I forgot. I was just in the coffee shop on the other side of the street. You shouldn't be worried. I didn't think you'd notice because you were busy earlier."

"I wasn't busy, I am never busy for you." I spoke the truth.

"I know, I just wanted to be alone for sometime." She lied. I know she lied. She was with Caleb.

Why did she lie? Its not like I would stop her from meeting her friends. She should've known that by now. Still she lied to me. I felt hurt that Erica didn't tell me the truth. I never kept anything from her, then why did she keep things from me? Did she not trust me? Keeping aside my confused thoughts I smiled at her and welcomed her to sit on the couch at the side of my office. I sat next to her and pulled her in my arms. She relaxed in my arms and we remained like that for some time.


"Hmm" I spoke with my face buried in her hair.

"I should go. "

"Wait for some time. " I tightened my hold on her.

"I have to finish work. I don't want to keep it till next week."

"Okay." I released my hold on her and she left. However I couldn't take my mind off Caleb and Erica. Is he her ex-boyfriend?

One disturbing thought came to my mind. I shook my head at my own thoughts and went back to work.



The coffee with Caleb went well, it was awkward at first but then we talked for a while and separated our ways. I went to see Ethan afterwards. When I went to his office had a worried expression . At first I thought he came to know about Caleb. But when he told me that he was worried because he couldn't find me. I was relieved. I didn't want to keep things from him,but I was not ready to share my secrets of the past with him yet. One day I would tell him but that day is not today.

Laying in his arms felt good. I felt peaceful and for the that moment I forgot my worries. But with each passing moment I felt guilty for not telling him, so I made work excuse and left. He didn't seem convinced by my behavior today but I couldn't do anything.


In the evening, I was so tired,I just wanted to hit the bed.I went to Ethan to tell him that I was leaving.

"Hey! I'm leaving. Bye! "

"Hey!Come in." He spoke.

I went in and sat on the chair. He spoke," I am almost done with my work. We'll go together."

"Ethan I'm really tired, please hurry up." I said in a tired voice.

"Just five more minutes. "

After Ethan finished with his work we both went to the park and walked hand in hand. Ethan seemed stressed so I asked,"Is Everything okay? You seemed stressed."

"Yeah, I am stressed. It's just that one of my friends, he lied to me about something and you know that I hate liars and cheaters." He spoke the last part with angry tone and looking directly into my eyes.

At that moment my mind came to a halt. Realisation suddenly hit me that Ethan was indirectly speaking about my lie. He wasn't indicating anything directly so I decided to clarify my actions.

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions when you don't even know what the real story is. Maybe you should try to understand that he must be having his reasons for hiding. Slowly but surely he will tell you. "My voice came out more like accusing than explaining him.

He looked at me for a brief moment and then turned his head away.

"I think it's late, come let's go home." He spoke and I couldn't be more happy knowing that.

I went home and was so tired that I directly collapsed on the bed and went to sleep.




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