Chapter 9

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Stupid, arrogant, idiot, what does he think of himself. At one moment he avoids me and the next moment he wants me to go out with him. He should know that everything doesn't go as he plans. How could he just assume that he'll take me out whenever he wants?

But at the same time I felt a strange happiness in my heart.

I went home and called Alex on the way to spend the night at my place. It had been too long since we had spent a night at each others place.

She came home with a boxes of pizzas.I quickly placed everything on the plate and took everything to my room. I changed into one of my oversized shirts and shorts and wore cute socks. I jumped on the bed and started eating pizza.

"Why this sudden plan."Alex asked raising her brows.

"Can't I just spend time with my best friend?"

"Sure you can. But I have a feeling that you are hiding something from me."

I decided to tell her everything. She could give me some advice because at this moment my mind is unable to think straight.

"Alex, Ethan asked me out today. "I blurted out and watched for her reaction.

"What?" She choked on her pizza.

"I know, I had the same reaction."

"What did you say? "

"I rejected him"

"Why? Are you stupid?"She began yelling at me.

"You know I can't do it Alex, first of all he kept on ignoring me the whole past month. Even when I tried to make a conversation. Who does he think he is assuming that I'll be ready whenever he wants me to be. I don't want to be desperate. Besides I have plans." I spoke with annoyance.

"With whom?"



"Yes, Ian. He had asked me earlier, about a month ago when we went to the bar. I rejected him once so yesterday when he asked me again I agreed. I don't want to break his heart. "

"But you can break Ethan's heart?I know he shouldn't have just assumed and all but besides he is a good guy."

"I don't know Alex, Ethan is strange sometimes. At one moment he is nice amd the next moment he acts as if he doesn't know me."

"Maybe he just likes you and doesn't know how to express it,you never know." She said casually as if it isn't a big deal.

I remained silent.

"Do you like him?" She spoke out of nowhere.

"I don't want any relationship. I can't bear breaking my heart again. I have gone through it once I don't want to experience it again.What if I am just his flavour of the month? What if he is just playing with me?"

"Why do you think that? He is a good guy Erica.Tell me honestly, do you like him?" She asked me as if I am a kid.

Now that was a complex question. "I don't know, I mean I feel strangely attracted to him."

"So you like him? "

"That's what I am confused about. What if this is just physical attraction.I haven't been in a relationship for a long time.I don't want to lead him on the wrong way."

"Okay, fine whatever you feel is right do it. I'll be always there to support you." She said with a smile.

It was true though I didn't want to mislead Ethan.He is not a bad guy that I was sure of, but.... I was perhaps just scared.

"You know what Erica, just one time let loose, try this time, I feel that this time you will find your happiness."Alex said.

I kept quite and the whole night I just kept thinking about Alex's words. Try. Try. Try.


The next few days passed by as usual. I haven't exactly spoken to Ethan since that day in the parking lot.I wanted to discuss something about the company reports to Ethan but I don't know how to speak to him. Sure it will be awkward.

I walked toward towards his office.I knocked on his door.

No response.

I knocked again, twice, thrice. Still no response. Sighing I opened his door but there was no one inside.

"Ethan."I called out.No response.

I went to his PA's office.

"Miss Jones, have you seen Ethan.... I mean Mr. Monroe?"

"Mr. Monroe left early today.He went to attend some family thing."

"Oh... Could you give this file to him when he returns."


I went to my office and got busy with my work.


I returned in the afternoon to my office after meeting my parents for lunch. As I walked in my office Miss Jones came behind me.

"Mr. Monroe, Miss Williams came earlier today when you were out. She handed me this file."

I took the file and went straight to Erica's office. I knocked and went inside. She seemed to be surprised on seeing me.

"I heard you wanted to see me Erica. Did you miss me?"

"Of course not, Mr. Monroe, I wanted you to see these reports, I went to your office but you weren't there. I gave the files to Miss Jones.. " She said keeping a straight face but I immediately cut her off.

"Of course, I got them but I am not here to talk about work Erica." She looked into her laptop screen to avoid me.

I continued, "How was your weekend with with your family? Did you enjoy?"

"I didn't visit my family, I went with a friend." She said casually.

Friend? What friend?

"You mean Alexandra right?" I hope it was Alexandra. I couldn't bear the thought of Erica with some other guy.

"It wasn't Alex."

"Then?" I hoped that it wasn't any guy.Then a terrifying thought occurred in my mind. What if she has a boyfriend? She is so beautiful and intelligent, any guy would be interested in dating her. Is that why she refused to go with me?

"I don't know how this is any of your concern Mr. Monroe. What I do in my free time is none of your concern."

I wasn't surprised hearing her words. I ignored her for past few weeks, she will sure give me a cold shoulder. What I didn't know was how I could get close to her. 'O God this is so difficult.' I thought to myself.

"I apologize Miss Erica, you are right, you can do anything in your free time. Its none of my concern."

With that I turned on my heels and walked our before waiting for her reaction.




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