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THE RAIN HAS PUSHED everyone in the city into the pubs, meaning every place is too crowded for elliot's introduction to alcohol. he doesn't seem too despondent about it, even as we're riding a bus back to school, away from the place that gave him so much life and energy. his hair is soaked, as is mine, with the tears of clouds.

as he brushes some of the water off his coat, he says, "wanna know something interesting?"


"the water which falls from the sky, which we eventually drink, has been consumed by at least three other organisms."


"we are essentially drinking dinosaur piss."

i don't know whether to fake a smile or grin genuinely. anyone else, it would be feigned. but something about elliot might fish something true from me. something odd and foreign, yet familiar. it's been awhile since a real smile danced along my mouth.

instead of a grin, i wince at the memory. he gives me a questioning look, but i can't respond to it.

"you okay, anna?"

i huff a breath out. "i'm fine."

the bus is rattled by a pothole in the road, and he elbows my arm. when i look at him, his eyes aren't starry, but serious. "that wasn't my question." his voice is small.

"you sure?"

"i asked if you're okay."

"yes, i'm fine."

he knows i'm aware of what i'm doing. his face softens some, making way for a worried expression. if only that look was no longer there, but that means he would have to know. i'm not that close to letting spill, to him or anyone.

we stay quiet for a while. i listen to his breathing, to the wind. raindrops spatter against the window. there aren't many people on the bus when he speaks again.

his hand rests on top of mine on the armrest. i don't dare look at him, for fear of his eyes being able to weasel the reasons out of me, weasel out the grin which is covered in rust after going so long without use.

"i really want you to be okay," he says in a whisper.

i only bite my lip. i don't want to move my hand from under his, so it stays.

"just... try, okay?"


his hand brings warmth to mine for the remainder of the ride.


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of the section, 'the field.'
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